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The AHA Model
Revision: 17463
Reference implementation 04 (HEDG02_04)
Definition of environmental objects. More...
Data Types | |
type | spatial |
Definition of a spatial object. Spatial object determines the position of the agent, food items and other things in the simulated space. Here we use continuous 3D environment (real type coordinates) More... | |
type | spatial_moving |
Definition of a movable spatial object. It extends the the_environment::spatial object, but also adds its previous position history in stack-like arrays. The history is maintained with the commondata::add_to_history() subroutine, adding a single element on the top (end) of the history stack. More... | |
type | environment |
Definition of the overall environment. Environment is a general container for all habitats, patches and other similar objects where the whole life of the agents takes place. Environment just provides the limits for all these objects. More... | |
type | food_item |
Definition of a single food item. Food item is a spatial object that has specific location in space. It can be "created" and eaten ("disappear"). Food item is an immobile SPATIAL object that has a position in 3D space. More... | |
type | food_resource |
Definition of the super-type FOOD resource type. This is a superclass, several sub-classes can be defined for different kinds of food and prey objects. More... | |
type | predator |
Definition of the PREDATOR objects. Predator is a moving agent that hunts on the evolving AHA agents but its internal structure is very simplistic (although we can in principle doit as a full AHA complexity with genome, GOS etc...). More... | |
type | habitat |
Definition of the environment habitat HABITAT object. There can potentially be of several types of habitats (patches etc.), so the superclass HABITAT defines the most general properties and procedures. More specific procedures are defined in sub-objects. Such procedures can be overriden from super-object to sub-objects providing for procedure polymorphism. More... | |
interface | light_surface |
Calculate surface light intensity (that is subject to diel variation) for specific time step of the model. Irradiance can be stochastic if an optionallogical stochastic flag is set to TRUE . More... | |
interface | light_depth |
Calculate underwater background irradiance at specific depth. More... | |
interface | visual_range |
Calculate visual range of predator using Dag Aksnes's procedures srgetr() , easyr() and deriv() . More... | |
interface | visual_range_new |
Calculate visual range of predator using Dag Aksnes's procedures srgetr() , easyr() and deriv() . More... | |
interface | dist |
Internal distance calculation backend engine. More... | |
interface | join |
An alias for the the_environment::food_resources_collapse_global_object() method for joining food resources into a single global food resource out of the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. See the_environment::unjoin() for how to unjoin an array of food resources back into an array. More... | |
interface | unjoin |
An alias to the_environment::food_resources_update_back_global_object() method to transfer (having been modified) food resource objects out from the single united object back to the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. See the_environment::join() for how to join an array of food resources into a single global object. More... | |
interface | assemble |
Interface to the procedure to assemble the global array of habitat objects the_environment::global_habitats_available from a list of separate habitat object components. This call. More... | |
interface | disassemble |
Interface to the procedure to disassemble the global habitats objects array the_environment::global_habitats_available back into separate habitat object components. See the_environment::global_habitats_disassemble() for the backend implementation. More... | |
interface | operator(.cat.) |
Interface operator to concatenate two arrays of the spatial the_environment::spatial or spatial moving the_environment::spatial_moving objects. More... | |
interface | operator(.catloc.) |
Interface operator to concatenate the location components of two arrays ofthe_environment::spatial class objects. More... | |
interface | operator(.within.) |
Interface operators .within. for testing whether a spatial object (first argument lies within an environment (second argument). Usage: More... | |
interface | operator(.contains.) |
Interface operators .contains. for testing whether an environment object (first argument) contains a SPATIAL object (second argument). Usage: More... | |
interface | operator(.above.) |
Interface operators .above. for spatial objects. Usage: More... | |
interface | operator(.below.) |
Interface operators .below. for spatial objects. Usage: More... | |
interface | operator(-) |
Interface operator "-" for the the_environment::environment spatial container objects. Return an environment object that is shrunk by a fixed value in the 2D XxY plane. See the_environment::environment_shrink_xy_fixed() . The operator can be used as follows: More... | |
Functions/Subroutines | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_create_empty (this) |
These are public access functions, but probably we don't need to allow public access to functions inside generic interfaces. More... | |
subroutine | environment_whole_build_vector (this, min_coord, max_coord) |
Create the highest level container environment. Set the size of the 3D environment container as two coordinate vectors setting the minimum and maximum coordinate limits: min_coord(1) for x, min_coord(2) for y, min_coord(3) for z The size of the environment should be set from parameter vectors in COMMONDATA . More... | |
subroutine | environment_whole_build_object (this, min_coord, max_coord) |
Create the highest level container environment. Set the size of the 3D environment container as two coordinate vectors setting the minimum and maximum coordinate limits. The parameters min_coord and max_coord are SPATIAL objects. More... | |
subroutine | environment_build_unlimited (this) |
Build an unlimited environment, with the spatial coordinates limited by the maximum machine supported values based on the intrinsic huge function. More... | |
type(environment) function | environment_shrink_xy_fixed (this, shrink_value) |
Return an environment object that is shrunk by a fixed value in the 2D XxY plane. More... | |
type(spatial) function | environment_get_minimum_obj (this) |
Function to get the minimum spatial limits (coordinates) of the environment. More... | |
type(spatial) function | environment_get_maximum_obj (this) |
Function to get the maximum spatial limits (coordinates) of the environment. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | environment_get_minimum_depth (this) |
Get the minimum depth in this environment. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | environment_get_maximum_depth (this) |
Get the maximum depth in this environment. More... | |
pure type(spatial) function, dimension(dim_environ_corners) | environment_get_corners_2dxy (this, ref_depth, offset) |
Get the corners of the environment in the 2D X Y plane. This is a very simplistic procedure that works only with the box environmental objects. More... | |
elemental logical function | environment_check_located_within_3d (this, check_object) |
Check if a spatial object is actually within this environment. More... | |
type(spatial) function | environment_random_uniform_spatial_3d (this) |
Generate a random spatial object with the uniform distribution within (i.e. bound to) this environment. More... | |
type(spatial) function | environment_random_uniform_spatial_2d (this, fixdepth) |
Generate a random spatial object with the uniform distribution within (i.e. bound to) this environment, the third depth coordinate is fixed. More... | |
type(spatial) function, dimension(num) | environment_random_uniform_spatial_vec_3d (this, num) |
Generate a vector of random spatial objects with the uniform distribution within (i.e. bound to) this environment. More... | |
type(spatial) function, dimension(size(fixdep_array)) | environment_random_uniform_spatial_vec_2d (this, fixdep_array) |
Generate a vector of random spatial objects with the uniform distribution within (i.e. bound to) this environment. The third, depth coordinate is non-stochastic, and provided as an array parameter. More... | |
type(spatial) function, dimension(num) | environment_random_gaussian_spatial_3d (this, num, centroid, variance) |
Generates a vector of random spatial object with Gaussian coordinates within (i.e. bound to) this environment. More... | |
type(spatial) function, dimension(num) | environment_random_gaussian_spatial_2d (this, num, centroid, fixdepth, variance, variance_depth) |
Generates a vector of random spatial object with Gaussian coordinates within (i.e. bound to) this environment. The depth coordinate is set separately and can be non-random (fixed for the whole output array) or Gaussian with separate variance. More... | |
subroutine | environment_get_nearest_point_in_outside_obj (this, outside_object, offset_into, point_spatial, point_dist) |
Get the spatial point position within this environment that is nearest to an arbitrary spatial object located outside of the this environment. If the spatial object is actually located in this environment, return its own position. More... | |
subroutine | spatial_fix_position_3d_s (this, x, y, depth) |
Place spatial object into a 3D space, define the object's current coordinates. More... | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_fix_position_3d_o (this, location) |
Place spatial object into a 3D space, define the object's current coordinates. More... | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_make_missing (this) |
Assign all commondata::missing` coordinates to the_environment::spatial object. More... | |
elemental type(spatial) function | spatial_get_current_pos_3d_o (this) |
Get the current spatial position of a SPATIAL object. More... | |
pure real(srp) function, dimension(dimensionality_default) | spatial_get_current_pos_3d_v (this, vector) |
Get the current spatial position of a SPATIAL object. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | spatial_get_current_pos_x_3d (this) |
Get the current X position of a SPATIAL object. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | spatial_get_current_pos_y_3d (this) |
Get the current Y position of a SPATIAL object. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | spatial_get_current_pos_d_3d (this) |
Get the current DEPTH position of a SPATIAL object. More... | |
real(srp) function | spatial_calc_irradiance_at_depth (this, time_step_model) |
Calculate the illumination (background irradiance) at the depth of the spatial object at an arbitrary time step of the model. More... | |
real(srp) function | spatial_visibility_visual_range_cm (this, object_area, contrast, time_step_model) |
Calculate the visibility range of a spatial object. Wrapper to the the_environment::visual_range() function. This function calculates the distance from which this object can be seen by a visual object (e.g. predator or prey). More... | |
pure integer function | spatial_get_environment_in_pos (this, environments_array) |
Identify in which environment from the input list this spatial agent is currently in. Example call: More... | |
subroutine | spatial_moving_fix_position_3d_v (this, x, y, depth) |
Place spatial movable object into a 3D space, define the object's current coordinates, but first save previous coordinates. More... | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_moving_fix_position_3d_o (this, location) |
Place spatial movable object into a 3D space, define the object's current coordinates, but first save previous coordinates. More... | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_moving_repeat_position_history_3d (this) |
Repeat (re-save) the current position into the positional history stack. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | spatial_distance_3d (this, other) |
Calculate the Euclidean distance between two spatial objects. This is a type-bound function. More... | |
pure type(spatial) function, dimension(:), allocatable | spatial_stack2arrays (a, b) |
Concatenate two arrays of the_environment::spatial objects a and b . This procedure uses array slices which would be faster in most cases than the intrinsic [a,b] method. More... | |
pure type(spatial_moving) function, dimension(:), allocatable | spatial_moving_stack2arrays (a, b) |
Concatenate two arrays of the_environment::spatial_moving objects a and b . This procedure uses array slices which would be faster in most cases than the intrinsic [a,b] method. More... | |
pure type(spatial) function, dimension(:), allocatable | spatial_class_stack2arrays_locs (a, b) |
Concatenate the location components of two arrays of the_environment::spatial class objects a and b. This procedure uses array slices which would be faster in most cases than the intrinsic [a,b] method. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | dist3d (this, other) |
This is a non-type-bound version of the distance calculation function. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | spatial_self_distance_3d (this, from_history) |
Calculate the Euclidean distance between the current and previous position of a single spatial object. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | spatial_moving_self_distance_3d (this, from_history) |
Calculate the Euclidean distance between the current and previous position of a single spatial movable object. Optionally, it also calculates the total distance traversed during the from_history points from the history stack along with the distance from the current position and the last historical value. For example, to calculate the average distance throughout the whole history (HISTORY_SIZE_SPATIAL points) do this: More... | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_moving_create_3d (this) |
Create a new spatial moving object. Initially it has no position, all coordinate values are MISSING or INVALID for real type coordinates. More... | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_moving_clean_hstory_3d (this) |
Create a new empty history of positions for spatial moving object. Assign all values to the MISSING value code. More... | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_moving_go_up (this, step) |
The spatial moving object ascends, goes up the depth with specific fixed step size. More... | |
elemental subroutine | spatial_moving_go_down (this, step) |
The spatial moving object decends, goes down the depth with specific fixed step size. More... | |
subroutine | spatial_moving_randomwalk_gaussian_step_3d (this, meanshift, cv_shift, environment_limits) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted Gaussian random walk in 3D. More... | |
subroutine | spatial_moving_randomwalk_gaussian_step_25d (this, meanshift_xy, cv_shift_xy, meanshift_depth, cv_shift_depth, environment_limits) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted Gaussian random walk in a "2.5 dimensions", i.e. 2D x y with separate walk parameters for the third depth dimension. More... | |
subroutine | spatial_moving_corwalk_gaussian_step_3d (this, target, meanshift, cv_shift, is_away, ci_lim, environment_limits, is_converged, debug_reps) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted correlated directional Gaussian random walk in 3D towards (or away of) an the_environment::spatial class target object. More... | |
subroutine | spatial_moving_corwalk_gaussian_step_25d (this, target, meanshift_xy, cv_shift_xy, meanshift_depth, cv_shift_depth, is_away, ci_lim, environment_limits, is_converged, debug_reps) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted correlated directional Gaussian random walk in 3D towards (or away of) an the_environment::spatial class target object. More... | |
subroutine | spatial_moving_dirwalk_gaussian_step_3d (this, target, meanshift, cv_shift, environment_limits) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted directional Gaussian random walk in 3D towards a target the_environment::spatial class object. More... | |
subroutine | spatial_moving_dirwalk_gaussian_step_25d (this, target, meanshift_xy, cv_shift_xy, meanshift_depth, cv_shift_depth, environment_limits) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted directional Gaussian random walk in "2.5"-D towards a target the_environment::spatial class object. i.e. 2D x y with separate walk parameters for the third depth dimension. More... | |
subroutine | rwalk3d_array (this, dist_array, cv_array, dist_all, cv_all, environment_limits, n_walks) |
Perform one or several steps of random walk by an array of the_environment::spatial_moving class objects. This is a 3D version with the same walk parameters for the horizontal XxY plane and depth. More... | |
subroutine | rwalk25d_array (this, dist_array_xy, cv_array_xy, dist_array_depth, cv_array_depth, dist_all_xy, cv_all_xy, dist_all_depth, cv_all_depth, environment_limits, n_walks) |
Perform one or several steps of random walk by an array of the_environment::spatial_moving class objects. This is a 2.5D version with separate walk parameters for the horizontal XxY plane and depth. More... | |
elemental logical function | spatial_check_located_within_3d (this, environment_limits) |
Function to check if this spatial object is located within an area set by an environmental object (parameter). This should be similar to an analogous function defined for the environment object. More... | |
elemental logical function | spatial_check_located_below (this, check_object) |
Logical function to check if the argument spatial object(s) (check_object ) is (are) located below the this reference spatial object. Elemental function that also works with arrays. Use as: More... | |
elemental logical function | spatial_check_located_above (this, check_object) |
Logical function to check if the argument spatial object(s) (check_object ) is (are) located above the this reference spatial object. Elemental function that also works with arrays. Use as: More... | |
type(spatial) function | spatial_get_nearest_object (this, neighbours, number) |
Determine the nearest spatial object to this spatial object among an array of other spatial objects. More... | |
integer function | spatial_get_nearest_id (this, neighbours, object) |
Determine the nearest spatial object to this spatial object among an array of other spatial objects. More... | |
subroutine | habitat_make_init (this, coord_min, coord_max, label, otherrisks, eggmortality, predators_number, loc_predators, food_abundance, loc_food, sizes_food) |
Make an instance of the habitat object (an environment superset). More... | |
character(len=label_length) function | habitat_name_get (this) |
Return the name of the habitat. More... | |
real(srp) function | habitat_get_risk_mortality (this) |
Get the mortality risk associated with this habitat. More... | |
real(srp) function | habitat_get_risk_mortality_egg (this) |
Get the egg mortality risk associated with this habitat. More... | |
subroutine | habitat_save_predators_csv (this, csv_file_name, is_success) |
Save the predators with their characteristics into a CSV file. More... | |
subroutine | save_dynamics (maxdepth, csv_file_name, is_success) |
Save diagnostics data that shows the dynamics of the light and the average depth of the food items, light at the average depth of the food items etc at each time step of the model. More... | |
type(spatial) function | environment_centre_coordinates_3d (this, nodepth) |
Determine the centroid of the environment. More... | |
real(srp) function, private | visual_range_scalar (irradiance, prey_area, prey_contrast) |
Wrapper for calculating visual range of a fish predator using the Dag Aksnes's procedures srgetr() , easyr() and deriv() . See srgetr() for computational details. More... | |
real(srp) function, dimension(size(prey_area)), private | visual_range_vector (irradiance, prey_area, prey_contrast_vect, prey_contrast) |
Wrapper for calculating visual range of a fish predator using the Dag Aksnes's procedures srgetr() , easyr() and deriv() . See srgetr() for computational details. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | visual_range_fast (irradiance, prey_area, prey_contrast) |
Wrapper for calculating visual range of a fish predator using the Dag Aksnes's procedures srgetr() , easyr() and deriv() . This is a new elemental and parallel-ready visual range function wrapper making use the elemental-procedures based computational backend. See notes on visual_range_scalar() and srgetr() for computational details. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function, private | light_surface_deterministic (tstep) |
Calculate deterministic surface light at specific time step of the model. Light (surlig ) is calculated from a sine function. Light intensity just beneath the surface is modelled by assuming a 50 % loss by scattering at the surface: More... | |
real(srp) function, private | light_surface_stochastic_scalar (tstep, is_stochastic) |
Calculate stochastic surface light at specific time step of the model. Light (surlig ) is calculated from a sine function. Light intensity just beneath the surface is modelled by assuming a 50 % loss by scattering at the surface: More... | |
real(srp) function, dimension(size(tstep)), private | light_surface_stochastic_vector (tstep, is_stochastic) |
Calculate stochastic surface light at specific time step of the model. More... | |
real(srp) function, private | light_depth_integer (depth, surface_light, is_stochastic) |
Calculate underwater light at specific depth given specific surface light. More... | |
real(srp) function, private | light_depth_real (depth, surface_light, is_stochastic) |
Calculate underwater light at specific depth given specific surface light. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | dist_scalar (x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2) |
Calculate distance between 3D or 2D points. This is a function engine for use within type bound procedures. Example (dist_scalar): More... | |
pure real(srp) function | dist_vector_nd (cvector1, cvector2) |
Calculate distance between N-dimensional points. This is a function engine for use within other type bound procedures. More... | |
pure real(srp) function | dist2_vector (cvector1, cvector2) |
Calculate the squared distance between two N-dimensional points. More... | |
pure real(srp) function | vect_magnitude (vector) |
Calculate the magnitude of an arbitrary N-dimensional vector. This is a raw vector backend. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | dist2step (average_distance, dimensionality) |
Calculate the unit step along a single coordinate axis given the average distance between any two points in a N-dimensional Gaussian random walk. More... | |
elemental subroutine | food_item_create (this) |
Create a single food item at an undefined position with default size. More... | |
elemental subroutine | food_item_make (this, location, size, iid) |
Make a single food item, i.e. place it into a specific position in the model environment space and set the size. More... | |
logical function | food_item_capture_success_stochast (this, prob) |
Stochastic outcome of this food item capture by an agent. Returns TRUE if the food item is captured. More... | |
real(srp) function | food_item_capture_probability_calc (this, distance, time_step_model) |
Calculate the probability of capture of this food item by a predator agent depending on the distance between the agent and this food item. More... | |
real(srp) function | food_item_visibility_visual_range (this, object_area, contrast, time_step_model) |
Calculate the visibility range of this food item. Wrapper to the the_environment::visual_range() function. This function calculates the distance from which this food item can be seen by a predator (i.e. the default predator's visual range). More... | |
real(srp) function | minimum_depth_visibility (target_range, depth_range_min, depth_range_max, object_area, object_contrast, time_step_model) |
Find the depth at which the visibility of a spatial object becomes smaller than a specific distance value target_range . More... | |
elemental subroutine | food_item_disappear (this) |
Make the food item "disappear" and take the "eaten" state, i.e. impossible for consumption by the agents. More... | |
elemental logical function | food_item_is_eaten_unavailable (this) |
Logical check-indicator function for the food item being eaten and not available. More... | |
elemental logical function | food_item_is_available (this) |
Logical check-indicator function for the food item being available. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | food_item_get_size (this) |
Get the size component of the food item object. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | size2mass_food (radius) |
Calculate the mass of a food item, the non-OO backend. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | mass2size_food (mass) |
Calculate the size (radius) of a food item, a reverse function of the_environment::size2mass_food(): More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | food_item_get_mass (this) |
Calculate and get the mass of the food item. More... | |
elemental subroutine | food_item_set_iid (this, iid) |
Set unique id for the food item object. More... | |
elemental subroutine | food_item_clone_assign (this, the_other) |
Clone the properties of this food item to another food item. More... | |
elemental integer function | food_item_get_iid (this) |
Get the unique id of the food item object. More... | |
pure subroutine | food_resource_make (this, label, abundance, locations, sizes) |
Make food resource object. This class standard constructor. More... | |
elemental integer function | food_resource_get_abundance (this) |
Get the number of food items in the food resource. More... | |
elemental character(len=label_length) function | food_resource_get_label (this) |
Get the label of the this food resource. More... | |
pure subroutine | food_resource_destroy_deallocate (this) |
Delete and deallocate food resource object. This class standard destructor. More... | |
pure type(spatial) function, dimension(size(this%food)) | food_resource_locate_3d (this) |
Get the location object array (array of SPATIAL objects) of a food resource object. More... | |
real(srp) function | food_resource_calc_average_distance_items (this, n_sample) |
Calculate the average distance between food items within a resource. e.g. to compare it with the agent's random walk step size. More... | |
subroutine | food_resource_replenish_food_items_all (this, replace) |
Replenish and restore food resource. The food resource is replenished by substituting randomly selected replace food items or all items if replace is omitted or exceeds the actual number of food items. Unlike the the_environment::food_resource::make() method, the sizes and the positions of the food items within the resource are reused from the previous positions (previously explicitly set set by the the_environment::food_resource::make() method). More... | |
subroutine | food_resource_migrate_move_items (this, max_depth, time_step_model) |
This subroutine implements the migration of all the food items in the resource according to the plankton migration pattern from the G1 model (HED18). Briefly, the movement of each of the food items has two components: More... | |
subroutine | food_resource_rwalk_items_default (this) |
Perform a random walk step for all food items within the food resource. The walk is performed with the default parameters: More... | |
subroutine | migrate_food_vertical (habitats, time_step_model) |
Migrate food items in a whole array of food resources. The array is normally the the_environment::global_habitats_available. More... | |
subroutine | rwalk_food_step (habitats) |
Perform a random walk of food items in a whole array of food resources. The array is normally the the_environment::global_habitats_available. This procedure is a wrapper for the_environment::food_resource::rwalk() to do a walk on a whole array of habitats and linked food resources. More... | |
real(srp) function | center_depth_sinusoidal (tstep, depth) |
This function calculates the target depth for the sinusoidal vertical migration pattern of the food items at each time step of the model. See the_environment::food_resource_migrate_move_items() for the calling procedure. More... | |
subroutine | food_resource_save_foods_csv (this, csv_file_name, is_success) |
Save characteristics of food items in the resource into a CSV file. More... | |
elemental subroutine | food_resource_sort_by_size (this, reindex) |
Sort the food resource objects within the array by their sizes. The two subroutines below are a variant of the recursive quick-sort algorithm adapted for sorting real components of the the FOOD_RESOURCE object. More... | |
pure subroutine | food_resource_reset_iid_all (this, start_iid) |
Reset individual iid for the food resource. Individual iids must normally coincide with the array order index. If it is changed after sorting, iids no longer reflect the correct index. So this subroutine resets iids to be coinciding with each food item index. More... | |
subroutine | reindex_food_resources (resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, resource_5, resource_6, resource_7, resource_8, resource_9, resource_10, resource_11, resource_12, resource_13, resource_14, resource_15, resource_16, resource_17, resource_18, resource_19, resource_20) |
Reset and reindex iids for an input list of several food resources. As the result of this subroutine all food items across all the resources within the whole list will have unique iids. More... | |
subroutine | food_resources_collapse (food_resource_collapsed, resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, resource_5, resource_6, resource_7, resource_8, resource_9, resource_10, resource_11, resource_12, resource_13, resource_14, resource_15, resource_16, resource_17, resource_18, resource_19, resource_20, reindex, label) |
Collapse several food resources into one. The collapsed resource can then go into the perception system. The properties of the component resources are retained in the collapsed resource. More... | |
type(food_resource) function | food_resources_collapse_global_object (reindex, label) |
Join food resources into a single global food resource out of the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. See the_environment::unjoin() for how to unjoin an array of food resources back into an array. The joined resource can then go into the perception system. The properties of the component resources are retained in the collapsed resource. More... | |
subroutine | food_resources_update_back (food_resource_collapsed, resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4, resource_5, resource_6, resource_7, resource_8, resource_9, resource_10, resource_11, resource_12, resource_13, resource_14, resource_15, resource_16, resource_17, resource_18, resource_19, resource_20, reindex) |
Transfer back the resulting food resources into their original objects out from a collapsed object from food_resources_collapse . More... | |
subroutine | food_resources_update_back_global_object (food_resource_collapsed, reindex) |
Transfer the (having been modified) food resource objects from the single united object food_resource_collapsed back to the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available array. See the_environment::join() for how to join an array of food resources into a single global object. More... | |
subroutine | global_habitats_assemble (habitat_1, habitat_2, habitat_3, habitat_4, habitat_5, habitat_6, habitat_7, habitat_8, habitat_9, habitat_10, habitat_11, habitat_12, habitat_13, habitat_14, habitat_15, habitat_16, habitat_17, habitat_18, habitat_19, habitat_20, reindex) |
Assemble the global habitats objects array the_environment::global_habitats_available from a list of separate habitat objects. This call. More... | |
subroutine | global_habitats_disassemble (habitat_1, habitat_2, habitat_3, habitat_4, habitat_5, habitat_6, habitat_7, habitat_8, habitat_9, habitat_10, habitat_11, habitat_12, habitat_13, habitat_14, habitat_15, habitat_16, habitat_17, habitat_18, habitat_19, habitat_20, reindex) |
Disassemble the global habitats objects array the_environment::global_habitats_available into separate habitat object. More... | |
subroutine | spatial_neighbours_distances (this, neighbours, dist, index_vector, ranks, rank_max, error_flag) |
Calculate the distances between this spatial object and an array of its neighbours. Optionally output the distances, sorting index vector and rankings vector for each of these neighbours. Optionally do only partial indexing, up to the order rank_max for computational speed. Procedure ARRAY_INDEX() from HEDTOOLS is used as the computational backend for partial segmented indexing. More... | |
elemental subroutine | predator_make_init (this, body_size, attack_rate, position, label) |
Initialise a predator object. More... | |
subroutine | predator_label_set (this, label) |
Set label for the predator, if not provided, set it random. More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | predator_get_body_size (this) |
Accessor function for the predator body size (length). More... | |
elemental real(srp) function | predator_get_attack_rate (this) |
Accessor function for the predator attack rate. More... | |
real(srp) function | predator_capture_risk_calculate_fish (this, prey_spatial, prey_length, prey_distance, is_freezing, time_step_model, debug_plot_file) |
Calculates the risk of capture of the fish with the spatial location defined by prey_spatial and the body length equal to prey_length . This is a backend function bound to the predator rather than prey object. More... | |
subroutine | predator_capture_risk_calculate_fish_group (this, prey_spatial, prey_length, is_freezing, time_step_model, risk, risk_indexed, index_dist) |
Calculates the risk of capture by a specific predator of an array of the fish agents with the spatial locations array defined by prey_spatial and the body length array prey_length . This subroutine takes account of both the predator dilution and confusion effects and risk adjusted by the distance towards the predator. More... | |
real(srp) function | predator_visibility_visual_range (this, object_area, contrast, time_step_model) |
Calculate the visibility range of this predator. Wrapper to the the_environment::visual_range() function. This function calculates the distance from which this predator can be seen by a visual object (e.g. the agent). More... | |
real(srp) function | distance_average (spatial_objects, sample_size) |
Calculates the average nearest neighbour distance amongst an array of spatial objects (class) by sampling sample_size of them. The sample size sample_size is optional, if not provided set to SAMPLE_SIZE_DEFAULT=25 . More... | |
Visual range calculation backend. | |
The subroutines the_environment::srgetr(), the_environment::easyr() and the_environment::deriv() should be better isolated into a separate module or form a submodule, but it is not used here as submodules are a F2008 feature not supported by all compiler systems. Anyway, submodule is not essential here.
| |
elemental subroutine, private | srgetr (r, c, C0, Ap, Vc, Ke, Eb, IER) |
Obtain visual range by solving the non-linear equation by means of Newton-Raphson iteration and derivation in subroutine the_environment::deriv(). Initial value is calculated in the_environment::easyr(). The calculation is based on the model described in Aksnes & Utne (1997) Sarsia 83:137-147. More... | |
elemental subroutine, private | easyr (r, C0, Ap, Vc, Ke, Eb) |
Obtain a first estimate of visual range by using a simplified expression of visual range. See srgetr() for more details. More... | |
elemental subroutine, private | deriv (r, F1, FDER, c, C0, Ap, Vc, Ke, Eb) |
Derivation of equation for visual range of a predator. See the_environment::srgetr() for more details. More... | |
Computational geometry backend: <strong>polygon2D</strong> | |
Rudimentary computational geometry (geo_) procedures, based on 2D polygons (poly2d) with fixed depth or depth ignored.
| |
subroutine | geo_poly2d_dist_point_to_section (point, sectp1, sectp2, min_dist, point_segment) |
Calculates the minimum distance from a the_environment::spatial class object to a line segment delimited by two the_environment::spatial class endpoints in the 2D XY plane (the depth coordinate is ignored). (The algorithm is partially based on this.) More... | |
subroutine | geo_poly3d_dist_point_to_section (point, sectp1, sectp2, min_dist, point_segment) |
Calculates the minimum distance from a the_environment::spatial class object to a line segment delimited by two the_environment::spatial class endpoints in the 3D XY space. (The algorithm is partially based on this.) More... | |
type(spatial) function | offset_dist (obj_a, obj_b, offset) |
Calculate a the_environment::spatial target with an offset. More... | |
Variables | |
character(len= *), parameter, private | modname = "(THE_ENVIRONMENT)" |
integer, parameter, private | dimensionality_default = 3 |
Default dimensionality of the environment universe. More... | |
integer, parameter | dim_environ_corners = 4 |
The number of corners for an environment object in the 2D X*x*Y plane. More... | |
type(habitat), dimension(:), allocatable, public | global_habitats_available |
A list (array) of all the the_environment::habitat objects available to the agents. This single array should encompass all the locations that the agent can potentially be in (e.g. migrate from one to another). More... | |
Definition of environmental objects.
This module defines various environment objects and primitives, starting from the basic primitive a spatial object the_environment::spatial. This object represents a point in a three-dimensional space. The agent class hierarchy starts from this spatial primitive as the agent is a spatial object.
elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_create_empty | ( | class(spatial), intent(inout) | this | ) |
These are public access functions, but probably we don't need to allow public access to functions inside generic interfaces.
We do not need specific functions outside of this module, always use generic functions. Create an empty spatial object. The object's starting coordinates get all MISSING
subroutine the_environment::environment_whole_build_vector | ( | class(environment), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), dimension(3), intent(in) | min_coord, | ||
real(srp), dimension(3), intent(in) | max_coord | ||
) |
Create the highest level container environment. Set the size of the 3D environment container as two coordinate vectors setting the minimum and maximum coordinate limits: min_coord(1)
for x, min_coord(2)
for y, min_coord(3)
for z The size of the environment should be set from parameter vectors in COMMONDATA
min_coord | Minimum coordinate bound for the environment. |
max_coord | Maximum coordinate bound for the environment. |
that should normally be used. subroutine the_environment::environment_whole_build_object | ( | class(environment), intent(inout) | this, |
type(spatial), intent(in) | min_coord, | ||
type(spatial), intent(in) | max_coord | ||
) |
Create the highest level container environment. Set the size of the 3D environment container as two coordinate vectors setting the minimum and maximum coordinate limits. The parameters min_coord
and max_coord
are SPATIAL objects.
min_coord | Minimum coordinate bound for the environment, SPATIAL object. |
max_coord | Maximum coordinate bound for the environment, SPATIAL object. |
objects as the environment coordinates. subroutine the_environment::environment_build_unlimited | ( | class(environment), intent(inout) | this | ) |
type(environment) function the_environment::environment_shrink_xy_fixed | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in) | shrink_value | ||
) |
Return an environment object that is shrunk by a fixed value in the 2D XxY plane.
Here is an illustration of the function. The outer box is the input environment, the inner box is the shrunken environment that is returned. The shrinkage value is fixed, defined by the second function parameter. The depth is ignored in this function working with the simplistic box-like environment objects.
min_coord is obtained +---------------------+ by coordinate addition; | + | | +-------------+ | | | | | |-->| |<--| | | | | | | | | | +-------------+ | | - | max_coord is obtained by +---------------------+ coordinate subtraction.
There is a user defined operator -
(minus), that can be used as follows:
type(spatial) function the_environment::environment_get_minimum_obj | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this | ) |
type(spatial) function the_environment::environment_get_maximum_obj | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this | ) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::environment_get_minimum_depth | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this | ) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::environment_get_maximum_depth | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this | ) |
pure type(spatial) function, dimension(dim_environ_corners) the_environment::environment_get_corners_2dxy | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | ref_depth, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | offset | ||
) |
Get the corners of the environment in the 2D X Y plane. This is a very simplistic procedure that works only with the box environmental objects.
[in] | ref_depth | ref_depth optional parameter setting the fixed depth for the returned corner objects. If not provided, a fixed default value equal to the local parameter REF_DEPTH_DEF=0.0 is used. |
[in] | offset | offset The offset that can be set to make the borders and corners of the environment inside at a fixed value. If offset is absent, the actual corners of the environment are returned. The offset parameter works as the shrink2d function (the_environment::environment::shrink2d()`. .---------------------. | + | | *-------------* | | | | | | | |<--| offset shrinks corners | | | | | | | | | *-------------* | | - | .---------------------. |
The corners 1,2,3,4 of the simplistic box-like environmental object are defined as follows:
(1:minX,minY) ----- (2:maxX,minY) | | (4:minX,maxY) ----- (3:maxX,maxY)
These four points are returned as the the_environment::spatial class objects.
procedure the_environment::environment_get_nearest_point_in_outside_obj().elemental logical function the_environment::environment_check_located_within_3d | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | check_object | ||
) |
Check if a spatial object is actually within this environment.
check_object | A spatial object (SPATIAL or any extension) to check. There is a user-defined operator: if ( environment .contains. object ) then
type(spatial) function the_environment::environment_random_uniform_spatial_3d | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this | ) |
type(spatial) function the_environment::environment_random_uniform_spatial_2d | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in) | fixdepth | ||
) |
type(spatial) function, dimension(num) the_environment::environment_random_uniform_spatial_vec_3d | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
integer, intent(in) | num | ||
) |
Generate a vector of random spatial objects with the uniform distribution within (i.e. bound to) this environment.
the | dimension(size) of the vector to generate |
object bound to this
environment. loc_food_here = thisuniform(thisfoodnumber_food_items)
. type(spatial) function, dimension(size(fixdep_array)) the_environment::environment_random_uniform_spatial_vec_2d | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in) | fixdep_array | ||
) |
Generate a vector of random spatial objects with the uniform distribution within (i.e. bound to) this environment. The third, depth coordinate is non-stochastic, and provided as an array parameter.
the | dimension(size) of the vector to generate |
object bound to this
environment. We call the type bound uniform_s=>environment_random_uniform_spatial_3d
to get a vector of uniformly-distributed spatial objects.
type(spatial) function, dimension(num) the_environment::environment_random_gaussian_spatial_3d | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
integer, intent(in) | num, | ||
class(spatial), intent(in), optional | centroid, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | variance | ||
) |
Generates a vector of random spatial object with Gaussian coordinates within (i.e. bound to) this environment.
num | the dimension(size) of the vector to generate |
centroid | Optional centroid of the Gaussian scatter. If not provided, will select random uniformly distributed point. |
variance | Gaussian variance parameter. |
environment. First, check optional centroid and set local centroid.
The centroid that is provided is accepted only if it is within this environment.
If a centroid is provided but is outside of the environment, reset it to random uniform.
Now, generate Gaussian spatial objects and fill the output array.
First, generate random Gaussian coordinanes for a temporary spatial object.
Make sure this spatial object is within the bounding environment.
Finally, set assign the output array component to this object.
type(spatial) function, dimension(num) the_environment::environment_random_gaussian_spatial_2d | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
integer, intent(in) | num, | ||
class(spatial), intent(in), optional | centroid, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | fixdepth, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | variance, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | variance_depth | ||
) |
Generates a vector of random spatial object with Gaussian coordinates within (i.e. bound to) this environment. The depth coordinate is set separately and can be non-random (fixed for the whole output array) or Gaussian with separate variance.
num | the dimension(size) of the vector to generate |
centroid | Optional centroid of the Gaussian scatter. If not provided, will select random uniformly distributed point. |
fixdepth | Optional fixed depth for the generated Gaussian objects. |
variance | Gaussian variance parameter. |
variance_depth | Gaussian variance parameter for the fixed depth. |
environment. First, check optional centroid parameter and set local centroid.
Make sure fixdepth is within the allowed environmental range.
If fixed depth is provided, we use the centroid but take the depth from the fixdepth
And check if the resulting centroid is within this environment. If not, make it random uniform making use of the fixed depth.
If the fixdepth is not conformant with this environment, use centroid provided and discard the fixdepth parameter
And check if the resulting centroid is within this environment, if not, discard both the centroid and the fixed depth parameters and use random uniform centroid as the last resort.
If fixed depth is not provided, however, we use the fixed depth from the centroid
The centroid that is provided is accepted only if it is within this environment.
If a centroid is provided but is outside of the environment, reset it to random uniform.
Check if it's conformant with the environment. Use if if okay.
If the depth provided is not conformant, discard and use random.
Finally, if neither centroid nor depth is provided, use random uniform.
Check if separate variance parameter for the depth is provided. This sets if stochastic depth is to be generated.
If separate depth variance parameter is provided, depth is stochastic Gaussian. Generate Gaussian spatial objects and fill the output array.
First, generate random Gaussian coordinanes for a temporary spatial object.
Finally, set assign the output array component to this object.
If there is no separate variance parameter for the depth, depth fixed deterministic, identical in for the whole array. Set the fixed depth.
Now, generate Gaussian spatial objects and fill the output array.
First, generate random Gaussian coordinanes for a temporary spatial object.
Finally, set assign the output array component to this object.
Definition at line 1450 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::environment_get_nearest_point_in_outside_obj | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | outside_object, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | offset_into, | ||
type(spatial), intent(out), optional | point_spatial, | ||
real(srp), intent(out), optional | point_dist | ||
) |
Get the spatial point position within this environment that is nearest to an arbitrary spatial object located outside of the this environment. If the spatial object is actually located in this environment, return its own position.
[in] | outside_object | outside_object is the outside object, the minimum distances to the environment and the closest point are evaluated for this object. |
[in] | offset_into | offset_into optional offset guaranteeing that the nearest point is located more or less deeply within the this target environment rather than just at the border of the environment. This parameter is useful if the nearest point in the environment actually sets the target point, to which the agent represented by the outside_object spatial is relocating. In such a case, the agent is therefore moving into the environment, at a distance offset_into rather than just to the edge of this target environment. This is illustrated by the below: .----------------------. this environment | + | | *--------------* | | | target point | | outside_object | | is inside (*)<------------<*=>< | | | | | | >|---|<-------- offset_into | *--------------* | | - | .------------------ ---. |
[out] | point_spatial |
the_environment::spatial class target object. First, check if the outside object is actually located within the target environment.
If the object is indeed outside, determine the four corners of the this
environment. These corners are delimiting the outside of the this environment. The reference depth is set to the depth of the outside object.
@nolte Note that if the offset_into
offset parameter is set, the corners are adjusted to this offset value, so that they are actually inside the this environment object.
Calculate the distances and the nearest points between the outside object and the four outer segments (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,1).
the segment_nearest_obj
. 1, 2 1------------2 2, 3 | | 3, 4 | | 4, 1 4------------3
Finally, the returned nearest point is the point where the distance between the outside point and any of the outer segments of the environment reaches the minimum value.
subroutine the_environment::spatial_fix_position_3d_s | ( | class(spatial), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in) | x, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | y, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | depth | ||
) |
Place spatial object into a 3D space, define the object's current coordinates.
coordinates | The spatial objects will now get these coordinates. |
object giving it its value and existence. elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_fix_position_3d_o | ( | class(spatial), intent(inout) | this, |
type(spatial), intent(in) | location | ||
) |
Place spatial object into a 3D space, define the object's current coordinates.
location | SPATIAL location that will be assigned to the current spatial object. |
object giving it its value and existence. SPATIAL
object as argument. elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_make_missing | ( | class(spatial), intent(inout) | this | ) |
Assign all commondata::missing` coordinates to the_environment::spatial object.
pure real(srp) function, dimension(dimensionality_default) the_environment::spatial_get_current_pos_3d_v | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
logical, intent(in) | vector | ||
) |
Get the current spatial position of a SPATIAL
vector | flag indicating if we return a 3D vector rather than SPATIAL type object. Note: We need this logical parameter to avoid ambiguity in calling the generic function: ‘Error: 'spatial_get_current_pos_3d’ and 'spatial_get_current_pos_3d_v' for GENERIC 'now' at (1) are ambiguous`. The parameter itself is not used. So, for vector-output must always be TRUE. |
function is particularly convenient for data output into the LOGGER
module that does not accept object data, but does accept simple array data, e.g.: elemental real(srp) function the_environment::spatial_get_current_pos_x_3d | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this | ) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::spatial_get_current_pos_y_3d | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this | ) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::spatial_get_current_pos_d_3d | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this | ) |
real(srp) function the_environment::spatial_calc_irradiance_at_depth | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model | ||
) |
Calculate the illumination (background irradiance) at the depth of the spatial object at an arbitrary time step of the model.
Check optional time step parameter. If unset, use global commondata::global_time_step_model_current
Calculate ambient illumination / irradiance at the depth of this food item at the given time step.
real(srp) function the_environment::spatial_visibility_visual_range_cm | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | object_area, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | contrast, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model | ||
) |
Calculate the visibility range of a spatial object. Wrapper to the the_environment::visual_range() function. This function calculates the distance from which this object can be seen by a visual object (e.g. predator or prey).
[in] | object_area | object_area is the mandatory area of the spatial object (m). |
[in] | contrast | contrast is optional inherent contrast of this spatial object. the default contrast of all objects is defined by the commondata::preycontrast_default parameter. |
[in] | time_step_model | optional time step of the model, if absent gets the current time step as defined by the value of commondata::global_time_step_model_current . |
PROCNAME is the procedure name for logging and debugging
Check if optional object area parameter is present. For a base the_environment::spatial object, providing explicit value is mandatory. If object area is absent, commondata::missing value is used as a default, which results in wrong calculations.
grep ERROR: *log
).Check optional contrast
parameter. If unset, use global commondata::preycontrast_default
Check optional time step parameter. If unset, use global commondata::global_time_step_model_current
Calculate ambient illumination / irradiance at the depth of this object at the given time step.
Return visual range to see this spatial object: its visibility range.
pure integer function the_environment::spatial_get_environment_in_pos | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(environment), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | environments_array | ||
) |
Identify in which environment from the input list this spatial agent is currently in. Example call:
Determining the environment object the agent is currently in can be done by the_environment::spatial::find_environment() method in this way:
... environment_limits = Global_Habitats_Available( & this_agent%find_environment(Global_Habitats_Available) ) ...
This uses the the_environment::global_habitats_available global array containing all available environments, initialised in the_evolution::init_environment_objects().
[in] | environments_array | environments_array An array of environment objects, where the this object can be. If this parameter is omitted, the environment objects are obtained from the default global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. |
First, determine the size of the input array of the environments among which the check is done.
Also, initialise the return value to zero.
Then cycle over all the input environments whether the this spatial object is within it.
The .within.
operator is used for checking (defined by the_environment::environment_check_located_within_3d()
). Then, return the number of the environment within the input array and exit.
If the environments_array
array is not provided, default habitats are obtained from the the_environment::global_habitats_available global array .
subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_fix_position_3d_v | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in) | x, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | y, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | depth | ||
) |
Place spatial movable object into a 3D space, define the object's current coordinates, but first save previous coordinates.
x | The spatial objects will now get these coordinates. |
y | The spatial objects will now get these coordinates. |
depth | The spatial objects will now get these coordinates. |
Save previous coordinates into the history stacks.
Finally, position the object now with the coordinates provided.
elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_fix_position_3d_o | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
type(spatial), intent(in) | location | ||
) |
Place spatial movable object into a 3D space, define the object's current coordinates, but first save previous coordinates.
location | The spatial objects will now get these coordinates. |
Save previous coordinates into the history stacks.
Finally, position the object now with the coordinates provided.
elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_repeat_position_history_3d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this | ) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::spatial_distance_3d | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | other | ||
) |
Calculate the Euclidean distance between two spatial objects. This is a type-bound function.
other | another spatial object that we measure distance between. |
x_dist = objectdistance(other_object)
Calculate the distance between these two spatial objects.
pure type(spatial) function, dimension(:), allocatable the_environment::spatial_stack2arrays | ( | type(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | a, |
type(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | b | ||
) |
Concatenate two arrays of the_environment::spatial objects a
and b
. This procedure uses array slices which would be faster in most cases than the intrinsic [a,b]
making use of this procedure that can be used like this: [in] | a | a first array |
[in] | b | b second array |
pure type(spatial_moving) function, dimension(:), allocatable the_environment::spatial_moving_stack2arrays | ( | type(spatial_moving), dimension(:), intent(in) | a, |
type(spatial_moving), dimension(:), intent(in) | b | ||
) |
Concatenate two arrays of the_environment::spatial_moving objects a
and b
. This procedure uses array slices which would be faster in most cases than the intrinsic [a,b]
making use of this procedure that can be used like this: [in] | a | a first array |
[in] | b | b second array |
pure type(spatial) function, dimension(:), allocatable the_environment::spatial_class_stack2arrays_locs | ( | class(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | a, |
class(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | b | ||
) |
Concatenate the location components of two arrays of the_environment::spatial class objects a and b. This procedure uses array slices which would be faster in most cases than the intrinsic [a,b]
making use of this procedure that can be used like this: [in] | a | a first array |
[in] | b | b second array |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::dist3d | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | other | ||
) |
This is a non-type-bound version of the distance calculation function.
[in] | other | other another spatial object that we measure distance between. |
Calculate the distance between these two spatial objects.
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::spatial_self_distance_3d | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
integer, intent(in), optional | from_history | ||
) |
Calculate the Euclidean distance between the current and previous position of a single spatial object.
from_history | We have to calculate total distance from this point in the spatial stack history (< HISTORY_SIZE_SPATIAL). Not used here, always 0.0. |
The distance between two positions of an immobile object is zero in all cases. It is a fixed value in this procedure.
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::spatial_moving_self_distance_3d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(in) | this, |
integer, intent(in), optional | from_history | ||
) |
Calculate the Euclidean distance between the current and previous position of a single spatial movable object. Optionally, it also calculates the total distance traversed during the from_history
points from the history stack along with the distance from the current position and the last historical value. For example, to calculate the average distance throughout the whole history (HISTORY_SIZE_SPATIAL
points) do this:
This is because for N
points in history we can calculate N-1
distances, but the sample size is N
, that is N-1
plus an additional distance between the latest historical point and the current position.
from_history | We have to calculate total distance from this point in the spatial stack history (< HISTORY_SIZE_SPATIAL ) |
We get the history size from the history stack size (history
), alternatively, can get from the HISTORY_SIZE_SPATIAL
parameter directly.
Check if we are asked to calculate distance traversed using the history stack. If the number provided exceed the limit, set maximum. If no history requested (parameter not present or 0) calculate the distance between the current point and the latest historical point.
Calculate the distance between the current position and the last historical stack record.
Now cycle backwards through the from_history
steps of the history stack and calculate the sum = total distance traversed.
elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_create_3d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this | ) |
Create a new spatial moving object. Initially it has no position, all coordinate values are MISSING
for real type coordinates.
object type that makes it into existence and gives it its value. Assign MISSING
values to the new object, use interface function and type constructor.
This also cleanups the history stack, i.e. fills it with MISSING
elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_clean_hstory_3d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this | ) |
elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_go_up | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | step | ||
) |
The spatial moving object ascends, goes up the depth with specific fixed step size.
[in] | step | step is the step size for the upwards walk. If it is too large (the object would extend beyond its current environment), it is adjusted autiomatically. |
Calculate the minimum depth in the environment currently occupied by the spatial object.
Check if the target depth is likely to go beyond the environment depth limits and reduce the upwnward walk step size accordingly. Namely, if the depth coordinate of the object minus the depth step exceeds the minimum depth, the step is reduced to be within the available environment: , where
is the maximum depth,
is the current depth of the object and
is a very small constant defined by the parameter commondata::zero to guarantee the object remains within the current environment.
Relocate the object so that its X and Y coordinates remain intact but the depth reduces by the step size.
elemental subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_go_down | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | step | ||
) |
The spatial moving object decends, goes down the depth with specific fixed step size.
[in] | step | step is the step size for the upwards walk. If it is too large (the object would extend beyond its current environment), it is adjusted autiomatically. |
Calculate the maximum depth in the environment currently occupied by the spatial object.
Check if the target depth is likely to go beyond the environment depth limits and reduce the downward walk step size accordingly. Namely, if the depth coordinate of the object plus the depth step exceeds the maximum depth, the step is reduced to be within the available environment: , where
is the maximum depth,
is the current depth of the object and
is a very small constant defined by the parameter commondata::zero to guarantee the object remains within the current environment.
Relocate the object so that its X and Y coordinates remain intact but the depth reduces by the step size.
subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_randomwalk_gaussian_step_3d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift, | ||
class(environment), intent(in), optional | environment_limits | ||
) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted Gaussian random walk in 3D.
meanshift | the mean shift along any of the three dimensions. |
cv_shift | the coefficient of variation for a single elementary shift in any of the three dimensions. |
environment_limits | Limits of the environment area available for the random walk. The moving object cannot get beyond this limit. |
The moving object walks in three dimensions. The process is simple, first shift along the x axis for some random Gaussian length (with the mean meanshift
and the variance/CV cv_shift
) then walk another Gaussian length the y axis. The, walk in the same manner along the z axis. The optional restriction is that the whole walk must not exceed specific spatial location set by the environment parameter.
First, we get the current coordinates of the spatial object.
And set a temporary spatial test object with the new coordinates, advancing/adding our random walk step. This is done via the .radd.
operator and calling RNORM (see HEDTOOLS).
Environment restriction part of the random walk, if environment_limits
parameter object is provided. Here the object is not allowed to go beyond its bounding environment: get new position while outside of the target environment.
Finally, change the current position of the this
object to the position defined by the test_object
. The standard function position
is used, that keeps the movement history.
Definition at line 2604 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_randomwalk_gaussian_step_25d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift_xy, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift_xy, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift_depth, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift_depth, | ||
class(environment), intent(in), optional | environment_limits | ||
) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted Gaussian random walk in a "2.5 dimensions", i.e. 2D x y with separate walk parameters for the third depth dimension.
meanshift | the mean shift along any of the three dimensions. |
cv_shift | the coefficient of variation for a single elementary shift in any of the three dimensions. |
environment_limits | Limits of the environment area available for the random walk. The moving object cannot get beyond this limit. |
The moving object walks in three dimensions. The process is simple, first shift along the x axis for some random Gaussian length (with the mean meanshift
and the variance/CV cv_shift
) then walk another Gaussian length the y axis. The, walk in the same manner along the z axis. But here z axis has separate walk parameters (meanshift
and cv_shift
) that are much smaller than the x and y parameters. The optional restriction is that the whole walk must not exceed specific spatial location set by the environment parameter.
First, we get the current coordinates of the spatial object.
And set a temporary spatial test object with the new coordinates, advancing/adding our random walk step. This is done via the .radd.
operator and calling the RNORM
function (see HEDTOOLS).
Environment restriction part of the random walk, if environment_limits
parameter object is provided. Here the object is not allowed to go beyond its bounding environment: get new position while outside of the target environment.
Finally, change the current position of the this
object to the position defined by the test_object
. The standard function position
is used, that keeps the movement history.
Definition at line 2686 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_corwalk_gaussian_step_3d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | target, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | is_away, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | ci_lim, | ||
class(environment), intent(in), optional | environment_limits, | ||
logical, intent(out), optional | is_converged, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | debug_reps | ||
) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted correlated directional Gaussian random walk in 3D towards (or away of) an the_environment::spatial class target
The moving object walks in three dimensions towards (or away of) a the_environment::spatial class target. Here is an example of walks:
[in] | target | target The target of the random walk. |
[in] | meanshift | meanshift the mean shift along any of the three dimensions. |
[in] | cv_shift | cv_shift the coefficient of variation for a single elementary shift in any of the three dimensions. |
[in] | is_away | is_away optional logical flag, if set to TRUE, the walk is actually directed out of the target, so that the object is going to maximise rather than minimise the distance to the target. |
[in] | ci_lim | ci_lim This parameter sets the convergence criterion; it is the confidence interval limit for the distance between the object and the target. The walk is considered "converged" if the distance between the object and the target is smaller than ci_lim std. deviations of the average step distance (set by meanshift ). The default value is the 95% confidence interval (1.95996). |
[in] | environment_limits | environment_limits optional limits of the environment area available for the random walk. The moving object cannot get beyond this limit. |
[out] | is_converged | is_converged optional logical flag for the "converged" state, i.e. the distance between the object and the target is smaller than ci_lim standard deviations of the average step distance. |
[out] | debug_reps | debug_reps optional internal counter for repeated samplings of random positions for prospective spatial advancement of the object. If the counter reaches a too high value, a "no convergence" state is reached. In case of the avoiding environmentally limited walk, when the object maximises its distance from the target, such a condition may indicate that there is no further space to avoid the target in the available environment. |
First, check if the convergence criterion is reached. The walk is considered "converged" if the distance between the object and the target is smaller than ci_lim
std. deviations of the average step distance (which is set by meanshift
If the convergence condition is met, the object does not change its position any more, no further walks are performed.
If the convergence condition is not yet met, the current coordinates of the spatial object are recorded.
Then a temporary spatial test object (test_object
) is set the new coordinates for the spatial moving object, advancing to a random walk step. This is done by randomly adding or subtracting a Gaussian step size with the mean meanshift
and variance defined by cv_shift
along all three spatial coordinates.
A series of conditions is then checked, the main is that the new position defined by the temporary spatial object should be such that the distance from the target must be smaller (if the object is intended to moved towards the target) or larger (if the object is intended to move away of the target).
Environment restriction is also applied if environment_limits
parameter is provided: the object is not allowed to go beyond its bounding environment in such a case.
There is also a safeguard against poor convergence: If the number of iterations exceeds a fixed value (CONVERG
local parameter), force to exit from the condition loops without changing the object position (i.e. no walk is done).
Finally, change the current position of the this
object to the position defined by the test_object
. Such a change is done only if the non-convergence condition is not detected.
At the end, check and return the optional intent[out] parameters is_converged
and debug_reps
Definition at line 2765 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_corwalk_gaussian_step_25d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | target, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift_xy, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift_xy, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift_depth, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift_depth, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | is_away, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | ci_lim, | ||
class(environment), intent(in), optional | environment_limits, | ||
logical, intent(out), optional | is_converged, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | debug_reps | ||
) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted correlated directional Gaussian random walk in 3D towards (or away of) an the_environment::spatial class target
The moving object walks in three dimensions towards (or away of) a the_environment::spatial class target.
[in] | target | target The target of the random walk. |
[in] | meanshift_xy | meanshift_xy the mean shift along any of the three dimensions. |
[in] | cv_shift_xy | cv_shift_xy the coefficient of variation for a single elementary shift in any of the three dimensions. |
[in] | meanshift_depth | meanshift_depth the mean shift along any of the three dimensions. |
[in] | cv_shift_depth | cv_shift_depth the coefficient of variation for a single elementary shift in any of the three dimensions. |
[in] | is_away | is_away optional logical flag, if set to TRUE, the walk is actually directed out of the target, so that the object is going to maximise rather than minimise the distance to the target. |
[in] | ci_lim | ci_lim This parameter sets the convergence criterion; it is the confidence interval limit for the distance between the object and the target. The walk is considered "converged" if the distance between the object and the target is smaller than ci_lim std. deviations of the average step distance (set by meanshift ). The default value is the 95% confidence interval (1.95996). |
[in] | environment_limits | environment_limits optional limits of the environment area available for the random walk. The moving object cannot get beyond this limit. |
[out] | is_converged | is_converged optional logical flag for the "converged" state, i.e. the distance between the object and the target is smaller than ci_lim standard deviations of the average step distance. |
[out] | debug_reps | debug_reps optional internal counter for repeated samplings of random positions for prospective spatial advancement of the object. If the counter reaches a too high value, a "no convergence" state is reached. In case of the avoiding environmentally limited walk, when the object maximises its distance from the target, such a condition may indicate that there is no further space to avoid the target in the available environment. |
First, check if the convergence criterion is reached. The walk is considered "converged" if the distance between the object and the target is smaller than ci_lim
std. deviations of the average step distance (which is set by meanshift
If the convergence condition is met, the object does not change its position any more, no further walks are performed.
If the convergence condition is not yet met, the current coordinates of the spatial object are recorded.
Then a temporary spatial test object (test_object
) is set the new coordinates for the spatial moving object, advancing to a random walk step. This is done by randomly adding or subtracting a Gaussian step size with the mean meanshift
and variance defined by cv_shift
along all three spatial coordinates.
A series of conditions is then checked, the main is that the new position defined by the temporary spatial object should be such that the distance from the target must be smaller (if the object is intended to moved towards the target) or larger (if the object is intended to move away of the target).
Environment restriction is also applied if environment_limits
parameter is provided: the object is not allowed to go beyond its bounding environment in such a case.
There is also a safeguard against poor convergence: If the number of iterations exceeds a fixed value (CONVERG
local parameter), force to exit from the condition loops without changing the object position (i.e. no walk is done).
Finally, change the current position of the this
object to the position defined by the test_object
. Such a change is done only if the non-convergence condition is not detected.
At the end, check and return the optional intent[out] parameters is_converged
and debug_reps
Definition at line 3007 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_dirwalk_gaussian_step_3d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | target, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift, | ||
class(environment), intent(in), optional | environment_limits | ||
) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted directional Gaussian random walk in 3D towards a target
the_environment::spatial class object.
The moving object walks in three dimensions towards a target. The process is simple, first shift along the x axis for some random Gaussian length (with the mean meanshift
and the variance/CV cv_shift
) in the direction that minimises the coordinate-bound distance from the target. If the target is located at a distance not exceeding the meanshift
we have got towards the target. Then the process is repeated for the y and z axes. The optional restriction is that the whole walk must not exceed specific spatial location set by the environment parameter.
is a obsolete suboptimal implementation See the_environment::spatial_moving_corwalk_gaussian_step_3d()
and the_environment::spatial_moving_corwalk_gaussian_step_25d()
for a better alternative. [in] | target | The target of the random walk, the walk should converge to the target within finite number of steps. |
[in] | meanshift | the mean shift along any of the three dimensions. |
[in] | cv_shift | the coefficient of variation for a single elementary shift in any of the three dimensions. |
[in] | environment_limits | Limits of the environment area available for the random walk. The moving object cannot get beyond this limit. |
First, we get the current coordinates of the spatial object.
And set a temporary spatial test object with the new coordinates, advancing/adding our random walk step. This is done via the updated_position
Environment restriction part of the random walk, if environment_limits
parameter object is provided. Here the object is not allowed to go beyond its bounding environment.
Loop while this new test spatial object is outside our target environment. It must be strictly within.
(if the test_object
is outside the environment, we create new randomly updated coordinates.)
Finally, change the current position of the this
object to the position defined by the test_object
. The standard function position
is used, that keeps the movement history.
Definition at line 3288 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::spatial_moving_dirwalk_gaussian_step_25d | ( | class(spatial_moving), intent(inout) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | target, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift_xy, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift_xy, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | meanshift_depth, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | cv_shift_depth, | ||
class(environment), intent(in), optional | environment_limits | ||
) |
Implements an optionally environment-restricted directional Gaussian random walk in "2.5"-D towards a target
the_environment::spatial class object. i.e. 2D x y with separate walk parameters for the third depth dimension.
The moving object walks in three dimensions towards a target. The process is simple, first shift along the x axis for some random Gaussian length (with the mean meanshift
and the variance/CV cv_shift
) in the direction that minimises the coordinate-bound distance from the target. If the target is located at a distance not exceeding the meanshift
we have got towards the target. Then the process is repeated for the y and z axes. The optional restriction is that the whole walk must not exceed specific spatial location set by the environment parameter.
is a obsolete suboptimal implementation See the_environment::spatial_moving_corwalk_gaussian_step_3d()
and the_environment::spatial_moving_corwalk_gaussian_step_25d()
for a better alternative. [in] | target | The target of the random walk, the walk should converge to the target within finite number of steps. |
[in] | meanshift_xy | the mean shift along the X and Y dimensions. |
[in] | cv_shift_xy | the coefficient of variation for a single elementary shift the X and Ydimensions. |
[in] | meanshift_depth | the mean shift along the depth dimension. |
[in] | cv_shift_depth | the coefficient of variation for a single elementary shift in the depth dimension. |
[in] | environment_limits | Limits of the environment area available for the random walk. The moving object cannot get beyond this limit. |
First, we get the current coordinates of the spatial object.
And set a temporary spatial test object with the new coordinates, advancing/adding our random walk step. This is done via the updated_position
Environment restriction part of the random walk, if environment_limits
parameter object is provided. Here the object is not allowed to go beyond its bounding environment.
Loop while this new test spatial object is outside our target environment. It must be strictly within.
(if the test_object
is outside the environment, we create new randomly updated coordinates.)
Finally, change the current position of the this
object to the position defined by the test_object
. The standard function position
is used, that keeps the movement history.
Definition at line 3410 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::rwalk3d_array | ( | class(spatial_moving), dimension(:), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | dist_array, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | cv_array, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | dist_all, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | cv_all, | ||
class(environment), intent(in), optional | environment_limits, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | n_walks | ||
) |
Perform one or several steps of random walk by an array of the_environment::spatial_moving class objects. This is a 3D version with the same walk parameters for the horizontal XxY plane and depth.
[in,out] | this | [in] this is an array of the_environment::spatial class objects. |
[in] | dist_array | step_size_array an array of step sizes for each object. |
[in] | cv_array | cv_array Coefficients of variation for the walk. |
[in] | dist_all | dist_all the value of the walk step size that is identical in all objects in the array. |
[in] | cv_all | cv_all the value of the walk coefficient of variation that is identical in all objects in the array. |
[in] | environment_limits | environment_limits Limits of the environment area available for the random walk. The moving object cannot get beyond this limit. If this parameter is not provided, the environmental limits are obtained automatically from the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. |
[in] | n_walks | n_walk optional number of walk steps that should be performed, default just one. |
calculate the step size along the axes from the distance array.
array.Definition at line 3522 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::rwalk25d_array | ( | class(spatial_moving), dimension(:), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | dist_array_xy, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | cv_array_xy, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | dist_array_depth, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in), optional | cv_array_depth, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | dist_all_xy, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | cv_all_xy, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | dist_all_depth, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | cv_all_depth, | ||
class(environment), intent(in), optional | environment_limits, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | n_walks | ||
) |
Perform one or several steps of random walk by an array of the_environment::spatial_moving class objects. This is a 2.5D version with separate walk parameters for the horizontal XxY plane and depth.
[in,out] | this | [in] this is an array of the_environment::spatial class objects. |
[in] | dist_array_xy | dist_array_xy an array of step sizes for each object. |
[in] | cv_array_xy | cv_array_xy Coefficients of variation for the walk. |
[in] | dist_array_depth | dist_array_depth an array of step sizes for each object. |
[in] | cv_array_depth | cv_array_depth Coefficients of variation for the walk. |
[in] | dist_all_xy | dist_all_xy the value of the walk step size for horizontal plane that is identical in all objects in the array. |
[in] | cv_all_xy | cv_all_xy the value of the walk coefficient of variation in the horizontal plane that is identical in all objects within the array. |
[in] | dist_all_depth | dist_all_depth the value of the walk step size for the depth plane that is identical in all objects in the array. |
[in] | cv_all_depth | cv_all_depth the value of the walk coefficient of variation in the depth plane that is identical in all objects in the array. |
[in] | environment_limits | environment_limits Limits of the environment area available for the random walk. The moving object cannot get beyond this limit. If this parameter is not provided, the environmental limits are obtained automatically from the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. |
[in] | n_walks | n_walk optional number of walk steps that should be performed, default just one. |
If the depth walk step distance is not provided as a parameter, 1/2 of the default step size is used as the default value. Thus, it is assumed that the extent of random movements of the agents in the horizontal plane is greater than vertical movements.
array.Definition at line 3672 of file m_env.f90.
elemental logical function the_environment::spatial_check_located_within_3d | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(environment), intent(in) | environment_limits | ||
) |
Function to check if this spatial object is located within an area set by an environmental object (parameter). This should be similar to an analogous function defined for the environment object.
environment_limits | the_environment::environment object that sets the limits that we check the current spatial object to be within. |
environment. elemental logical function the_environment::spatial_check_located_below | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | check_object | ||
) |
Logical function to check if the argument spatial object(s) (check_object
) is (are) located below the this reference spatial object. Elemental function that also works with arrays. Use as:
See also the user-defined operator .below.
. The .below.
operator can be used in two ways:
elemental logical function the_environment::spatial_check_located_above | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | check_object | ||
) |
Logical function to check if the argument spatial object(s) (check_object
) is (are) located above the this reference spatial object. Elemental function that also works with arrays. Use as:
See also the user-defined operator .above.
. The .above.
operator can be used in two ways:
type(spatial) function the_environment::spatial_get_nearest_object | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | neighbours, | ||
integer, intent(out), optional | number | ||
) |
Determine the nearest spatial object to this spatial object among an array of other spatial objects.
However, each of them can also return the other output parameter as an intent(out) optional argument (in the subroutine style). For example the_environment::spatial_get_nearest_object() returns the nearest object but can also provide its id as an intent(out) dummy parameter. This is done for convenience of the function use.
neighbours | the array of spatial objects that we search for the nearest one. |
number | Optional number of the nearest object within the neighbours array. |
. Calculate an array of distances between this object and the neighbouring objects using the_environment::spatial::distance().
Locate the index of the minimum distance.
And return the the_environment::spatial::location() function result for this neighbour as the resultant object.
Also return the optional nearest neighbour index number if requested.
integer function the_environment::spatial_get_nearest_id | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | neighbours, | ||
type(spatial), intent(out), optional | object | ||
) |
Determine the nearest spatial object to this spatial object among an array of other spatial objects.
However, each of them can also return the other output parameter as an intent(out) optional argument (in the subroutine style). For example the_environment::spatial_get_nearest_object() returns the nearest object but can also provide its id as an intent(out) dummy parameter. This is done for convenience of the function use.
neighbours | the array of spatial objects that we search for the nearest one. |
object | optional spatial object that is the nearest neighbour to this object. |
. Calculate an array of distances between this object and the neighbouring objects. Note that we cannot use a whole-array single-liner as distance
is a type bound function.
Return the index of the nearest neighbour.
Also return the optional nearest neighbour object itself if requested.
subroutine the_environment::habitat_make_init | ( | class(habitat), intent(inout) | this, |
type(spatial), intent(in) | coord_min, | ||
type(spatial), intent(in) | coord_max, | ||
character (len=*), intent(in), optional | label, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | otherrisks, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | eggmortality, | ||
integer | predators_number, | ||
type(spatial), dimension(:), optional | loc_predators, | ||
integer | food_abundance, | ||
type(spatial), dimension(:), optional | loc_food, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), optional | sizes_food | ||
) |
Make an instance of the habitat object (an environment superset).
Make / build habitat object and set parameters or defaults.
Build the physical spatial environment for this habitat, set the habitat coordinate limits.
Set label if provided or default random label otherwise.
Set the number of predators.
Allocate the local array of predator locations.
If we are provided with the array of spatial locations of each of the predators, we set the local array loc_pred_here
from it.
If the array of locations is not present, construct uniform random distriibution of the predators locations within the present environment (bounded uniformly distributed locations). Now use the type bound function uniform
Now we can allocate the array of predators in the habitat.
procedure (that does allocation).Make each of the predators using the call parameters of the object bound init function make (attack_rate, position, label)
If we happen to get zero variance, do deterministic predators.
Generate Gaussian stochastic predators with the object bound make
Deallocate the local array of predator locations, we do not need them any more further.
Set the number of food items in the food resource within the habitat.
Allocate the local array of food item locations.
If the array of locations is not present, construct uniform random distribution of the predators locations within the present environment (bounded uniformly distributed locations). Now use the type bound function uniform
And also allocate the local array of food sizes
If the food size array sizes_food
is provided, use it, if not, make a Gaussian stochastic food with parameters from COMMONDATA
if we happened to get zero variance, do deterministic food resource.
Otherwise, generate random Gaussian array of food sizes.
Make the food resource now using the standard object-bound make
and the remaining part of the habitat label. make
.Deallocate temporary array at the end.
Definition at line 4116 of file m_env.f90.
character(len=label_length) function the_environment::habitat_name_get | ( | class(habitat), intent(in) | this | ) |
real(srp) function the_environment::habitat_get_risk_mortality | ( | class(habitat), intent(in) | this | ) |
real(srp) function the_environment::habitat_get_risk_mortality_egg | ( | class(habitat), intent(in) | this | ) |
subroutine the_environment::habitat_save_predators_csv | ( | class(habitat), intent(inout) | this, |
character(len=*), intent(in), optional | csv_file_name, | ||
logical, intent(out), optional | is_success | ||
) |
Save the predators with their characteristics into a CSV file.
[in] | csv_file_name | csv_file_name optional file name to save the predators. Generated automatically if not provided. |
First, check if the optional CSV file name is provided, if not, generate it automatically.
Second, save the predators data using the CSV_MATRIX_WRITE() from HEDTOOLS.
The CSV output data file can be optionally compressed with the commondata::cmd_zip_output command if commondata::is_zip_outputs is set to TRUE.
Definition at line 4377 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::save_dynamics | ( | real(srp), intent(in), optional | maxdepth, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | csv_file_name, | ||
logical, intent(out), optional | is_success | ||
) |
Save diagnostics data that shows the dynamics of the light and the average depth of the food items, light at the average depth of the food items etc at each time step of the model.
Code to generate plots from these data with gnuplot. Only 1 to 100s rows are plotted, pattern is sinusoidal.
[in] | maxdepth | maxdepth is an optional maximum depth, if absent, is set to the global maximum depth (autodetected) across all habitats. |
[in] | csv_file_name | csv_file_name is the file name to save the data. The file format is CSV. |
[out] | is_success | is_success Flag showing that data save was successful (if TRUE). |
The following data are saved in the CSV file:
– the time step of the modelSURFACE_LIGHT
– light at the surfaceLIGHT_DEP_10
– light at 1/10 of the maximum depthLIGHT_DEP_HLF
– light at 1/2 of the maximum depthLIGHT_DEP_MAX
– light at the maximum depthMEAN_DEPTH
– the mean depth of the food items (target depth)LIGHT_MDEPTH
– light at the mean depth of the food items.FOOD_VIS_SURF
– visibility range of a standard food item at the surface (zero depth)FOOD_VIS_10
– visibility range of a standard food item at 1/10 of maximum depthFOOD_VIS_HLF
– visibility range of a standard food item at a half of the maximum depth.FOOD_VIS_DPMAX
– visibility range of a standard food item at the maximum depthFOOD_VIS_MDEPT
– visibility range of a standard food item at the target mean depth MEAN_DEPTH
– depth at which the visibility of the standard average food item falls below 100 cmDEP_VR_UND_100
– depth at which the visibility of the standard average food item falls below 100 cmDEP_VR_UND_020
– depth at which the visibility of the standard average food item falls below 20 cmDEP_VR_UND_005
– depth at which the visibility of the standard average food item falls below 5 cmDefinition at line 4460 of file m_env.f90.
type(spatial) function the_environment::environment_centre_coordinates_3d | ( | class(environment), intent(in) | this, |
logical, intent(in), optional | nodepth | ||
) |
private |
Wrapper for calculating visual range of a fish predator using the Dag Aksnes's procedures srgetr()
, easyr()
and deriv()
. See srgetr()
for computational details.
[in] | irradiance | background irradiance at specific depth |
[in] | prey_area | prey area, m^2 |
[in] | prey_contrast | optional prey inherent contrast or default parameter if not present. |
Example call:
See specific implementations:
The maximum ceiling value of visual range (cm) calculable using srgetr()
under the commondata::q_prec_128
numerical precision model (referred as commondata::hrp). This value is set to the visual range in the cases of numerical overflow.
Local error message, character array:
The computational backend for the visual range computation srgetr()
, easyr()
and deriv()
now uses the commondata::q_prec_128
128 bit numerical precision model. This precision is sufficient to calculate visual range up to the the object radius of approximately 700 cm (area 153.9 cm^2) without x86 FPU overflow errors. At this level, the maximum visual range is 1343.34 cm.
The visual range plots below are generated by HEDTOOLS/tools/visrange_plot.f90
First, check if background irradiance is below commondata::zero and just return zero visual range.
Check if prey area dummy parameter is provided, if not, use the default value commondata::preyarea_default
Check if prey contrast dummy parameter is provided, if not, use the default value commondata::preycontrast_default
Call the main computational backend the_environment::srgetr()
Note that the_environment::srgetr()
and the whole computational backend are in commondata::hrp
precision to reduce numerical rounding and avoid overflow errors.
The visual range calculation backend srgetr()
seems computationally suboptimal and with large object size leads to numerical overflow, so the visual range is -Infinity. This is corrected in two steps. (1) in deriv()
, a problematic part of the computation now checks proactively for potential overflow (comparing to log(huge())
for the current FPU precision level), so no NaNs or Infinity are produced and no FPU invalid arithmetic errors occur. This is reported to the logger.
If the visual range value returned by srgetr
is negative, we reset it to the maximum overflow ceiling value VISUAL_RANGE_MAX_OVERFLOW
. It has previously be set to easyr()
approximation, but that was grossly wrong (hugely overestimating). It is safer to just limit visual range for detecting bigger objects to such a fixed value.
Finally, do explicit conversion of the final return value from the high commondata::hrp
to the standard precision commondata::srp
Definition at line 4730 of file m_env.f90.
private |
Wrapper for calculating visual range of a fish predator using the Dag Aksnes's procedures srgetr()
, easyr()
and deriv()
. See srgetr()
for computational details.
is mandatory and also defines the vector size for all other vector parameters including the returned function value vector. This is useful for selecting among a swarm of prey with different sizes when vector is processed. The measurement unit here is meter. Might need conversion if other units are used. [in] | irradiance | background irradiance at specific depth |
[in] | prey_area | prey area, m^2; Mandatory parameter. |
[in] | prey_contrast_vect | optional prey inherent contrast or default parameter if not present. This parameter sets individual vector prey contrast, so can be used for providing stochastic contrast data for each object. |
[in] | prey_contrast | optional prey inherent contrast or default parameter if not present. This parameter sets common scalar prey contrast for the whole vector. |
See specific implementations:
The computational backend for the visual range computation srgetr()
, easyr()
and deriv()
now uses the commondata::q_prec_128
128 bit numerical precision model. This precision is sufficient to calculate visual range up to the the object radius of approximately 700 cm (area 153.9 cm^2) without FPU overflow errors. At this level, the maximum visual range is 1343.34 cm.
The visual range plots below are generated by HEDTOOLS/tools/visrange_plot.f90
Check if prey contrast dummy parameter is provided, if not, use the default value commondata::preycontrast_default
Note that the function can use either a (possibly stochastic) vector or a scalar value (same for all) parameters for prey contrast as optional arguments. Scalar value takes precedence if both are provided.
The main body of calculation is actually a loop calling the scalar-based function the_environment::visual_range_scalar()
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::visual_range_fast | ( | real(srp), intent(in) | irradiance, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | prey_area, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | prey_contrast | ||
) |
Wrapper for calculating visual range of a fish predator using the Dag Aksnes's procedures srgetr()
, easyr()
and deriv()
. This is a new elemental and parallel-ready visual range function wrapper making use the elemental-procedures based computational backend. See notes on visual_range_scalar()
and srgetr()
for computational details.
[in] | irradiance | background irradiance at specific depth |
[in] | prey_area | prey area, m^2 |
[in] | prey_contrast | optional prey inherent contrast or default parameter if not present. |
non-whale size limit. Use the non-elemental version whenever debugging or logging is required! The parameter prey_contrast
to the vector-based function call must be an scalar. Otherwise a segmentation fault runtime error results. Vector-based call is analogous to calling visual_range_vector
with prey_contrast_vect
parameter.See specific implementations:
This version of the visual_range procedure does not call the error correction code and does not report errors into the logger. However, this allows declaring it as elemental.
and the whole computational backend are now in commondata::hrp
precision to avoid numerical overflow errors.Finally, do explicit conversion from commondata::hrp
to commondata::srp
private |
Obtain visual range by solving the non-linear equation by means of Newton-Raphson iteration and derivation in subroutine the_environment::deriv(). Initial value is calculated in the_environment::easyr(). The calculation is based on the model described in Aksnes & Utne (1997) Sarsia 83:137-147.
for literal constants; (b) restored diagnostic IER
output from archival Hed11.f90. (c) added explicit intent
and declared the procedures as pure
that is required for being parallel-friendly. [in] | RST | start value of r calculated by the_environment::easyr(); |
[in] | c | beam attenuation coefficient (m-1) ; |
[in] | C0 | prey inherent contrast; |
[in] | Ap | prey area (m^2) ; |
[in] | Vc | parameter characterising visual capacity (d.l.) |
[in] | this | parameter is denoted E' in Aksnes & Utne; |
[in] | Ke | saturation parameter (uE m-2 s-1) ; |
[in] | Eb | background irradiance at depth DEPTH ; |
[out] | r | the predator's visual range (when F1=0 ); |
[out] | IER | 1 = No convergence after IEND steps, error return; 2 = Return in case of zero divisor; 3 = r out of allowed range (negative); 0 = valid r returned. |
Notable variables:
;Definition at line 5148 of file m_env.f90.
private |
Obtain a first estimate of visual range by using a simplified expression of visual range. See srgetr()
for more details.
is high real precision (128 bit) and is defined in commondata). Definition at line 5237 of file m_env.f90.
private |
Derivation of equation for visual range of a predator. See the_environment::srgetr() for more details.
is the high real precision (128 bit) and is defined in commondata), (b) added numerical overflow safeguard code based on MAX_LOG
exponentiability limit; added logging of overflow using LOG_MSG
. [out] | F1 | function value of equation in the_environment::deriv(); |
[out] | FDER | the derivative of the function; |
[in,out] | r | the predator's visual range (when F1=0 ). |
Input parameters:
See explanation in calling routine the_environment::srgetr().
The function and the derivative is calculated on the basis of the log-transformed expression.
is a parameter determining the safe limit of exp
function overflow in the current float point precision model, well below this. We cannot calculate precise exponent of a value exceeding this parameter. The maximum possible exponentiation-able value is set to the maximum 128-bit real value kind Q_PREC_128
, this bottom line value would set a safe limit for HRP
calculations. A benefit of this approach is that it doesn't require IEEE exception handling that depends on not fully portable IEEE modules.
Definition at line 5270 of file m_env.f90.
private |
Calculate deterministic surface light at specific time step of the model. Light (surlig
) is calculated from a sine function. Light intensity just beneath the surface is modelled by assuming a 50 % loss by scattering at the surface:
tstep | time step of the model, limited by maximum commondata::lifespan. |
Definition at line 5359 of file m_env.f90.
private |
Calculate stochastic surface light at specific time step of the model. Light (surlig
) is calculated from a sine function. Light intensity just beneath the surface is modelled by assuming a 50 % loss by scattering at the surface:
. This deterministic value sets the mean for the stochastic final value, which is Gaussian with CV equal to DAYLIGHT_CV
tstep | time step of the model, limited by maximum commondata::lifespan. |
is_stochastic | logical indicator for stochastic light intensity if TRUE, then Gaussian stochastic version is used, if FALSE, deterministic is used. Code for wxMaxima for quickcalc: surlig(a, span) := 500*0.5*(1.01+sin(3.14*2.*50*a/(1.*span)));
wxplot2d(surlig(a, 14000), [a,0, 1400]);
private |
Calculate stochastic surface light at specific time step of the model.
tstep | time step of the model, limited by maximum commondata::lifespan. |
is_stochastic | logical indicator for stochastic light intensity if TRUE, then Gaussian stochastic version is used, if FALSE, deterministic is used. |
array parameter is mandatory here (otherwise the generic interface is ambiguous). If is_stochastic
flag is TRUE, then the light intensity is a random Gaussian vector with each element mean equal to the deterministic value and coefficient of variation DAYLIGHT_CV
If is_stochastic
flag is FALSE, deterministic vector value is used.
private |
Calculate underwater light at specific depth given specific surface light.
Underwater light is attenuated following Beer’s law,
where is background irradiance at depth z at time t and K is the attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance. The value of K in the old code was set very high to allow the vertical dynamics to take place within 30 depth cells.
[in] | depth | The integer depth horizon where we get background |
[in] | surface_light | Irradiance at the surface, normally calculated at specific time point of the model with the the_environment::light_surface() function. If this parameter is absent, surface light at the current time step is obtained. The time step in such case is obtained from commondata::global_time_step_model_current. |
[in] | is_stochastic | stochastic indicator for the surface light in the_environment::light_surface() function. If this parameter is absent, the default commondata::daylight_stochastic parameter value is used. |
private |
Calculate underwater light at specific depth given specific surface light.
Underwater light is attenuated following Beer’s law,
where is background irradiance at depth z at time t and K is the attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance.
[in] | depth | The integer depth horizon where we get background. |
[in] | surface_light | Irradiance at the surface, normally calculated at specific time point of the model with the the_environment::light_surface() function. If this parameter is absent, surface light at the current time step is obtained. The time step in such case is obtained from commondata::global_time_step_model_current. |
[in] | is_stochastic | stochastic indicator for the surface light in the_environment::light_surface() function. If this parameter is absent, the default commondata::daylight_stochastic parameter value is used. |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::dist_scalar | ( | real(srp), intent(in) | x1, |
real(srp), intent(in) | x2, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | y1, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | y2, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | z1, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | z2 | ||
) |
Calculate distance between 3D or 2D points. This is a function engine for use within type bound procedures. Example (dist_scalar):
pure real(srp) function the_environment::dist_vector_nd | ( | real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in) | cvector1, |
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in) | cvector2 | ||
) |
Calculate distance between N-dimensional points. This is a function engine for use within other type bound procedures.
cvector | N-dimensional vectors for the two points we calculate the distance between. For a 3D case the vercors look like: x = cvector(1), y = cvector(2), z = cvector(3). Example dist_vector: dist( [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [10.0, 20.0, 30.0] )
pure real(srp) function the_environment::dist2_vector | ( | real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in) | cvector1, |
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in) | cvector2 | ||
) |
pure real(srp) function the_environment::vect_magnitude | ( | real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in) | vector | ) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::dist2step | ( | real(srp), intent(in) | average_distance, |
integer, intent(in), optional | dimensionality | ||
) |
Calculate the unit step along a single coordinate axis given the average distance between any two points in a N-dimensional Gaussian random walk.
average_distance | The average distance traversed by the moving point during a single step of the Gaussian random walk. |
dimensionality | The dimensionality of the random walk Example: dist2step Generate a Gaussian random walk in 3D with discrete step size, i.e. the true distance between the points (rather than coordinate shifts) equal to 10.0: call moving_zzz%rwalk( dist2step(10.0), 0.5 )
Definition at line 5724 of file m_env.f90.
elemental subroutine the_environment::food_item_create | ( | class(food_item), intent(inout) | this | ) |
elemental subroutine the_environment::food_item_make | ( | class(food_item), intent(inout) | this, |
type(spatial), intent(in) | location, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | size, | ||
integer, intent(in) | iid | ||
) |
Make a single food item, i.e. place it into a specific position in the model environment space and set the size.
Location | of the food item as a SPATIAL type container |
size | This is the optional size of the food item. If absent then default food size is used as defined in COMMONDATA |
iid | id for the food item. Note: There are no random iids for food items, iid should agree with the item index within the food resource object. |
We here just set the location of the food object using standard interface function position
Also, clean up the history stack, i.e. fills it with MISSING
Then we set the food item size. Check if optional size is provided and left untouched if not.
This food item is NOT eaten from creation, so set the status FALSE.
Set the individual id iid
logical function the_environment::food_item_capture_success_stochast | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | prob | ||
) |
Stochastic outcome of this food item capture by an agent. Returns TRUE if the food item is captured.
In this version, food item capture depends only on the fixed probability set by default as FOOD_ITEM_CAPTURE_PROBABILITY
. Could also implement more complex patterns, e.g. dependent on the food item size (e.g. capture probability increases with food item size).
[in] | prob | fixed probability of food item capture. return@ TRUE if capture success. |
Check if prob
is present, if not, use default parameter FOOD_ITEM_CAPTURE_PROBABILITY
value, assuming this food item is in proximity of the predator agent (see function capture_probability
First check if this food item is available, if it is not, this may mean it was an error (e.g. only available food items should get into the agent perception object).
Definition at line 5840 of file m_env.f90.
real(srp) function the_environment::food_item_capture_probability_calc | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | distance, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model | ||
) |
Calculate the probability of capture of this food item by a predator agent depending on the distance between the agent and this food item.
Capture probability is determined on the basis of a non-parametric relationship (interpolation) between the distance between the predator agent and this food item. It is equal to the the baseline value set by commondata::food_item_capture_probability
parameter at the distance 0.0 and approaches a nearly zero value set by the parameter commondata::food_item_capture_probability_min = 0.1
, at the distance equal to the visual range of the agent.
[in] | distance | optional distance to the food item. |
[in] | time_step_model | optional time step of the model, if absent, obtained from the global variable commondata::global_time_step_model_current . |
First, the visual range for a predator to detect this food item is calculated using the_environment::food_item_visibility_visual_range().
The probability of capture of this food item by a predator is obtained by a nonparametric function that is based on nonlinear interpolation.
The distance for calculating the probability of capture of this food item by a predator is expressed in terms of the predator's visual range. The interpolation grid abscissa is set to the distance zero, half of the visual range ( ) and full visual range (
) of the predator agent.
It is assumed that the probability of capture of this food item is equal to the commondata::food_item_capture_probability
parameter at the distance zero, and reduces to 0.8 of this value at , and further reduces to
commondata::food_item_capture_probability_min = 0.1
at the full visual range distance ( ).
htintrpl.exe [0.0 0.5 1.0] [0.85, 0.68, 0.1]
(0.68=0.85*0.8).Check optional distance dummy parameter and set local value or default (half a visual range) if the parameter is not provided.
Also check if the distance provided is longer than the visual range so this food item cannot be detected by the agent. There should be normally no such cases, if this occurs, it may point to a bug.
If this is the case, set the capture probability to zero and exit.
Finally, he distance provided should not be equal to the missing value commondata::missing. Return zero capture probability in such a case.
Finally, the probability of capture of this food item by a predator is obtained by nonlinear (DDPINTERPOL
) interpolation of the distance value expressed in terms of the visual range over the grid set by interpol_abscissa
and interpol_ordinate
. There is an additional condition 0 < p < 1 that is enforced by commondata::within().
Log the capture probability visual range calculated, along with the distance and the visual range.
Interpolation plots can be saved in the debug mode using this plotting command: commondata::debug_interpolate_plot_save().
Definition at line 5897 of file m_env.f90.
real(srp) function the_environment::food_item_visibility_visual_range | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | object_area, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | contrast, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model | ||
) |
Calculate the visibility range of this food item. Wrapper to the the_environment::visual_range() function. This function calculates the distance from which this food item can be seen by a predator (i.e. the default predator's visual range).
procedures use meter for units, this auto-converts to cm. [in] | object_area | object_area is optional area of the food item (m). If not provided, obtained from the this object size attribute (the_environment::food_item::size). |
[in] | contrast | contrast is optional inherent visual contrast of the food item. the default contrast of all objects is defined by the commondata::preycontrast_default parameter. |
[in] | time_step_model | optional time step of the model, if absent gets the current time step as defined by the value of commondata::global_time_step_model_current . |
Calculate ambient illumination / irradiance at the depth of this food item at the given time step.
Return visual range of a predator to see this food item.
Definition at line 6036 of file m_env.f90.
real(srp) function the_environment::minimum_depth_visibility | ( | real(srp), intent(in) | target_range, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | depth_range_min, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | depth_range_max, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | object_area, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | object_contrast, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model | ||
) |
Find the depth at which the visibility of a spatial object becomes smaller than a specific distance value target_range
[in] | target_range | target_range This is the target visual range (visibility) value: this function calculates the depth at which visibility becomes smaller than this target range. |
[in] | depth_range_min | !> |
[in] | depth_range_min | sets the optimisation range for depth, this is the minimum depth where the search is done. This is an optional parameter, if absent, is set to the global minimum depth in the global habitats array commondata::global_habitats_available. |
[in] | depth_range_max | !> |
[in] | depth_range_max | sets the optimisation range for depth, this is the maximum depth where the search is done. This is an optional parameter, if absent, is set to the global maximum depth in the global habitats array commondata::global_habitats_available. |
[in] | object_area | object_area is the optional area of the spatial object (m) for which the depth is calculated. If absent, is calculated for the default average food item commondata::food_item_size_default. |
[in] | object_contrast | object_contrast optional contrast of the spatial object for which the calculation is done; if absent is set from the default commondata::preycontrast_default. |
[in] | time_step_model | time_step_model is the time step of the model. If absent, is obtained from the global variable commondata::global_time_step_model_current. |
The depth when the visibility of the spatial object becomes smaller than the target distance target_range
is calculated using the Brent's commondata::zeroin() optimisation algorithm, see Brent, R., (1973). Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives, Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The function for calculating the visibility of this spatial object for optimisation by zeroin
is calculated by visibility_loc(). This function is local to this function and is further wrapped into also local visibility_loc_diff() (it is set as the parameter f to commondata::zeroin()).
If the the depth cannot be calculated, further checks are done and an appropriate limiting value is set for this function return.
Definition at line 6100 of file m_env.f90.
elemental subroutine the_environment::food_item_disappear | ( | class(food_item), intent(inout) | this | ) |
elemental logical function the_environment::food_item_is_eaten_unavailable | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this | ) |
elemental logical function the_environment::food_item_is_available | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this | ) |
Logical check-indicator function for the food item being available.
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::food_item_get_size | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this | ) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::size2mass_food | ( | real(srp), intent(in) | radius | ) |
Calculate the mass of a food item, the non-OO backend.
The food item mass depends on the density of the food and its volume
where is the food density and
is the food item volume.
Definition at line 6322 of file m_env.f90.
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::mass2size_food | ( | real(srp), intent(in) | mass | ) |
Calculate the size (radius) of a food item, a reverse function of the_environment::size2mass_food():
where is the food item mass,
is its density.
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::food_item_get_mass | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this | ) |
Calculate and get the mass of the food item.
The food item mass depends on the density of the food and its volume
where is the food density and
is the food item volume.
Definition at line 6349 of file m_env.f90.
elemental subroutine the_environment::food_item_set_iid | ( | class(food_item), intent(inout) | this, |
integer, intent(in) | iid | ||
) |
elemental subroutine the_environment::food_item_clone_assign | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this, |
class(food_item), intent(inout) | the_other | ||
) |
Clone the properties of this food item to another food item.
food_item_sourceclone( cloned_to_this_destination_item )
[in,out] | the_other | param[inout] the_other Target food item to which the properties of the this item are cloned. It is declared as a polymorphic class so can get an extension type. |
Use make method to transfer all the properties from this
to the_other
elemental integer function the_environment::food_item_get_iid | ( | class(food_item), intent(in) | this | ) |
pure subroutine the_environment::food_resource_make | ( | class(food_resource), intent(inout) | this, |
character(len=*), intent(in) | label, | ||
integer, intent(in) | abundance, | ||
type(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | locations, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in) | sizes | ||
) |
Make food resource object. This class standard constructor.
label | Label for this food resource object. |
abundance | the number of food items in the resource. |
locations | An array of SPATIAL locations of each food item. |
sizes | An array of sizes of each food item. |
First, we allocate the array of the food item objects with the size of abundance
Set label from input data.
Set abundance from input data.
Create all food items in the resource,
Set locations and food item sizes from input data vectors.
elemental integer function the_environment::food_resource_get_abundance | ( | class(food_resource), intent(in) | this | ) |
elemental character(len=label_length) function the_environment::food_resource_get_label | ( | class(food_resource), intent(in) | this | ) |
pure subroutine the_environment::food_resource_destroy_deallocate | ( | class(food_resource), intent(inout) | this | ) |
pure type(spatial) function, dimension(size(this%food)) the_environment::food_resource_locate_3d | ( | class(food_resource), intent(in) | this | ) |
real(srp) function the_environment::food_resource_calc_average_distance_items | ( | class(food_resource), intent(in) | this, |
integer, intent(in), optional | n_sample | ||
) |
subroutine the_environment::food_resource_replenish_food_items_all | ( | class(food_resource), intent(inout) | this, |
integer, intent(in), optional | replace | ||
) |
Replenish and restore food resource. The food resource is replenished by substituting randomly selected replace
food items or all items if replace
is omitted or exceeds the actual number of food items. Unlike the the_environment::food_resource::make() method, the sizes and the positions of the food items within the resource are reused from the previous positions (previously explicitly set set by the the_environment::food_resource::make() method).
[in] | replace | replace Optional number of food items that replace those those that have been eaten in the population, this replace number cannot make the food resource population size bigger than the previous value. |
Implementation differs depending on full (replase
absent) or partial replenishment (replace
parameter is set, a maximum of this number of eaten food items will be returned to the food resource, i.e. set the "not
eaten" status.First count food items that are eaten.
) exceeds this value n_eaten
we reset all eaten food items as "not eaten."replace
will be replaced randomly (set not eaten) in the eaten. To do this:idx_eaten_items
in a random orderreplace
food items as not eatenreplace
parameter is not present, just reset the the_environment::food_resource::food::eaten indicator of each food item to FALSE. Thus, the food resource is just reset to a fully available state.subroutine the_environment::food_resource_migrate_move_items | ( | class(food_resource), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | max_depth, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model | ||
) |
This subroutine implements the migration of all the food items in the resource according to the plankton migration pattern from the G1 model (HED18). Briefly, the movement of each of the food items has two components:
If the habitats are assembled into the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available and the migration is done on the original habitat-bound food resource objects, these original habitat objects and the global array require constant synchronisation with the the_environment::assemble() and the_environment::disassemble() procedures. Here is an example:
To avoid this, a separate procedure that works directly on an array of habitat objects is implemented: the_environment::migrate_food_vertical(). Its use is more efficient:
[in] | max_depth | max_depth optional maximum depth of deterministic vertical migration; if this parameter is absent, the maximum depth in the habitat container for this food resource is used |
[in] | time_step_model | time_step_model Optional time step of the model. If absent, the time step is obtained from the global array commondata::global_habitats_available. |
First, the procedure checks if the maximum depth for the vertical migration of food items is provided. If not, the maximum depth is determined as the maximum depth in the habitat of a single randomly chosen food item in this resource (see the_environment::spatial::find_environment()). Because a single food resource is nested within a specific habitat, all items are located in this environment, so the maximum depth is the same for all items of the resource.
Thus, habitat_res
keeps the number of the habitat in the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available
Second, a check is done if the time step is provided. If no, the global time step from commondata::global_time_step_model_current is used.
The depth centre of the food item vertical distribution is determined using the code from the HED18 model with minimum adaptations. This code is isolated into the the_environment::center_depth_sinusoidal() function.
Once the target depth for the food items is known, all the food resource is moved up or down to the target depth.
The second phase of the food item migration involves a stochastic random walk of each of the food items. This stochastic movement is described by the following parameters of the the_environment::spatial_moving::rwalk():
element of the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available the same for all items as food resource is nested within the habitat.Definition at line 6660 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::food_resource_rwalk_items_default | ( | class(food_resource), intent(inout) | this | ) |
Perform a random walk step for all food items within the food resource. The walk is performed with the default parameters:
First, the habitat number within the global habitats array the_environment::global_habitats_available is determined for a single randomly chosen food item within this resource. Because the food resource is bound to the habitat, this identifies the habitat.
Then, all food items within the resource are subjected to Gaussian random walk the_environment::spatial_moving::rwalk() with the following parameters:
element of the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available the same for all items as food resource is nested within the habitat.subroutine the_environment::migrate_food_vertical | ( | class(habitat), dimension(:), intent(inout) | habitats, |
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model | ||
) |
Migrate food items in a whole array of food resources. The array is normally the the_environment::global_habitats_available.
All the habitat objects are normally assembled into the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. If so, this procedure makes it unnecessary to synchronise the habitat objects with the global array constantly by calling the_environment::habitat::disassemble() and the_environment::habitat::assemble() procedures whenever the habitat objects are changed (foods migrated). It makes the migration change directly on the global array.
The the_environment::food_resource::migrate_vertical() method that operates directly on food resource object in such case would require constant synchronisation/update between the global array and each habitat-bound food resource object, e.g.:
[in,out] | habitats | [inout] habitats is an array of habitats |
[in] | time_step_model | time_step_model Optional time step of the model. If absent, the time step is obtained from the global array commondata::global_time_step_model_current. |
A check is done if the time step is provided. If no, the global time step from commondata::global_time_step_model_current is used.
Then food resources within each of the habitats within the habitats
array is subjected to the the_environment::food_resource::migrate_vertical() method.
subroutine the_environment::rwalk_food_step | ( | class(habitat), dimension(:), intent(inout) | habitats | ) |
Perform a random walk of food items in a whole array of food resources. The array is normally the the_environment::global_habitats_available. This procedure is a wrapper for the_environment::food_resource::rwalk() to do a walk on a whole array of habitats and linked food resources.
[in,out] | habitats | [inout] habitats is an array of habitats |
All the food resources within each of the habitats within the habitats
array is subjected to the the_environment::food_resource::rwalk() method.
real(srp) function the_environment::center_depth_sinusoidal | ( | integer, intent(in) | tstep, |
real(srp), intent(in) | depth | ||
) |
This function calculates the target depth for the sinusoidal vertical migration pattern of the food items at each time step of the model. See the_environment::food_resource_migrate_move_items() for the calling procedure.
[in] | tstep | tstep time step of the model. |
[in] | depth | depth sets the maximum target depth for vertical migration. |
Verbatim code from HED18:
Definition at line 6902 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::food_resource_save_foods_csv | ( | class(food_resource), intent(in) | this, |
character(len=*), intent(in), optional | csv_file_name, | ||
logical, intent(out), optional | is_success | ||
) |
Save characteristics of food items in the resource into a CSV file.
First, check if the optional CSV file name is provided, if not, generate it automatically.
Then, data for the food resource is saved using the CSV_MATRIX_WRITE() procedure from HEDTOOLS.
The CSV output data file can be optionally compressed with the commondata::cmd_zip_output command if commondata::is_zip_outputs is set to TRUE.
Definition at line 6929 of file m_env.f90.
elemental subroutine the_environment::food_resource_sort_by_size | ( | class(food_resource), intent(inout) | this, |
logical, intent(in), optional | reindex | ||
) |
Sort the food resource objects within the array by their sizes. The two subroutines below are a variant of the recursive quick-sort algorithm adapted for sorting real components of the the FOOD_RESOURCE
[in] | reindex | is a logical flag enabling re-indexing the food resource after it is sorted. The default is NOT to reindex. |
Definition at line 6990 of file m_env.f90.
pure subroutine the_environment::food_resource_reset_iid_all | ( | class(food_resource), intent(inout) | this, |
integer, intent(in), optional | start_iid | ||
) |
Reset individual iid for the food resource. Individual iids must normally coincide with the array order index. If it is changed after sorting, iids no longer reflect the correct index. So this subroutine resets iids to be coinciding with each food item index.
start_iid | is an optional parameters that sets the starting value for reindexing. For example, indexing from 1000 rather than 1. |
subroutine the_environment::reindex_food_resources | ( | class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_1, |
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_2, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_3, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_4, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_5, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_6, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_7, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_8, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_9, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_10, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_11, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_12, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_13, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_14, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_15, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_16, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_17, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_18, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_19, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_20 | ||
) |
Reset and reindex iids for an input list of several food resources. As the result of this subroutine all food items across all the resources within the whole list will have unique iids.
[in,out] | resource_1,resource_2,... | a list of food resources to reindex |
status) while the resource objects were processed as the joined super-object. TODO: Perhaps it could be reimplemented in a better style using an extension object type. FOOD_RESOURCE
type. food_resources_collapse()
, food_resources_update_back()
and reindex_food_resources()
. subroutine the_environment::food_resources_collapse | ( | class(food_resource), intent(out) | food_resource_collapsed, |
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_1, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_2, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_3, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_4, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_5, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_6, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_7, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_8, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_9, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_10, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_11, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_12, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_13, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_14, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_15, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_16, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_17, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_18, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_19, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(in), optional | resource_20, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | reindex, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in), optional | label | ||
) |
Collapse several food resources into one. The collapsed resource can then go into the perception system. The properties of the component resources are retained in the collapsed resource.
[out] | food_resource_collapsed | output resource object that is formed by joining the list of component resource objects. |
[in] | resource_1,resource_2,... | a list of component resource objects. |
[in] | reindex | logical flag to reindex the joined resource (TRUE) upon joining. The default is no reindexing. |
[in] | label | Label for the joined food resource, if absent set to 'tmp_object'. |
The calculations in this procedure does not use an array of food resources because this can create problems in setting input dummy parameters in the array constructor. It just accepts raw resource objects and does all the operations directly on them. The number of food resources is probably never big, so the hard-coded limit of 20 components would probably never be exceeded. But the object list implementation is rather wordy, code-duplicating and prone to editing bugs. The main aim of this wordy, code-dubbing and mistype-prone approach was to allow easy passage of the whole original resource objects back from the collapsed object retaining all the changes that were introduced (e.g. the eaten
status) while the resource objects were processed as the joined super-object. TODO: Perhaps it could be reimplemented in a better style using an extension object type. The joined food resource object retains the original component ID's. If common unique iids are needed, reindex
method should be called upon joining! This is performed now using the optional 'reindex' parameter. If the food items are re-sorted within the joined food resource, their iid's no longer correspond to the original id's. Therefore, unjoining will result in totally new order and id's and the stacking of the original component resources is broken: correct unjoining is then impossible.
This example shows how to use the join
and unjoin
methods to collapse and split back food resources.
, food_resources_update_back()
and reindex_food_resources()
. For each food resource that is provided in the list we take the temporary transfer arrays for parameter copying from the component food resource into the food_resource_collapsed
Make this food resource from the component objects that are provided.
And add extra object component arrays that do not get modified by make
: the eaten status and the id number (iid).
If the reindex
flag is present and is TRUE, do reindexing the new joined food resource.
type(food_resource) function the_environment::food_resources_collapse_global_object | ( | logical, intent(in), optional | reindex, |
character(len=*), intent(in), optional | label | ||
) |
Join food resources into a single global food resource out of the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. See the_environment::unjoin() for how to unjoin an array of food resources back into an array. The joined resource can then go into the perception system. The properties of the component resources are retained in the collapsed resource.
, see the_environment::join(). [in] | reindex | reindex logical flag to reindex the joined resource (TRUE) upon joining. The default is no reindexing. |
[in] | label | label Label for the joined food resource, if absent set to 'tmp_object'. |
This procedure builds the output food_resource_collapsed
resource object from scratch fully substituting the normal make
the_environment::food_resource::make() method. Check out the main method the_environment::food_resource::make() in case of reimplementation.
Make a label for the collapsed object, if not present as a dummy parameter, set to 'tmp_object'.
flag is present and is TRUE, do reindexing the new joined food resource.subroutine the_environment::food_resources_update_back | ( | class(food_resource), intent(in) | food_resource_collapsed, |
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_1, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_2, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_3, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_4, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_5, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_6, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_7, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_8, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_9, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_10, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_11, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_12, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_13, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_14, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_15, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_16, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_17, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_18, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_19, | ||
class(food_resource), intent(inout), optional | resource_20, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | reindex | ||
) |
Transfer back the resulting food resources into their original objects out from a collapsed object from food_resources_collapse
[in,out] | resource_1,resource_2,... | a list of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | reindex | logical flag to reindex the joined resource (TRUE) upon joining. Default is no reindexing. |
status) while the resource objects were processed as the joined super-object. TODO: Perhaps it could be reimplemented in a better style using an extension object type. reindex
method should be called for each of the unjoined food resource object upon joining! food_resources_collapse()
, food_resources_update_back()
and reindex_food_resources()
. For each food item within the resource we copy all the object component values from the collapsed object to the original component object.
If reindex
is explicitly set to TRUE, we reindex the component resources upon unjoining.
subroutine the_environment::food_resources_update_back_global_object | ( | type(food_resource), intent(in) | food_resource_collapsed, |
logical, intent(in), optional | reindex | ||
) |
Transfer the (having been modified) food resource objects from the single united object food_resource_collapsed
back to the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available array. See the_environment::join() for how to join an array of food resources into a single global object.
[in] | food_resource_collapsed | A collapsed food resource previously joining the input array. |
[in] | reindex | reindex logical flag to reindex the unjoined resource (TRUE) upon unjoining. The default is no reindexing. |
This procedure restores individual food resources into the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available array from the collapsed resource food_resource_collapsed
For each food item within the resource we copy all the object component values from the collapsed object to the original component object.
If reindex
is explicitly set to TRUE, we reindex the component resources upon unjoining.
subroutine the_environment::global_habitats_assemble | ( | type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_1, |
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_2, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_3, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_4, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_5, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_6, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_7, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_8, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_9, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_10, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_11, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_12, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_13, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_14, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_15, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_16, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_17, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_18, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_19, | ||
type(habitat), intent(in), optional | habitat_20, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | reindex | ||
) |
Assemble the global habitats objects array the_environment::global_habitats_available from a list of separate habitat objects. This call.
is equivalent to
parameter allows automatic reindexing of the global array the_environment::global_habitats_available. [in] | habitat_1 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_2 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_3 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_4 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_5 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_6 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_7 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_8 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_9 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_10 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_11 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_12 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_13 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_14 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_15 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_16 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_17 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_18 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_19 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | habitat_20 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (up to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | reindex | reindex logical flag to reindex the global joined food resource array (TRUE) linked to each of the habitats upon assemble. Default is no reindexing. |
Stage 2: Allocate the the_environment::global_habitats_available global array of habitat objects the above number of elements.
subroutine the_environment::global_habitats_disassemble | ( | type(habitat), intent(out) | habitat_1, |
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_2, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_3, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_4, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_5, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_6, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_7, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_8, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_9, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_10, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_11, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_12, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_13, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_14, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_15, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_16, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_17, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_18, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_19, | ||
type(habitat), intent(out), optional | habitat_20, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | reindex | ||
) |
Disassemble the global habitats objects array the_environment::global_habitats_available into separate habitat object.
[out] | habitat_1 | [inout] habitat_1, ... a list (from 2 to 20) of food resources to restore from the joined state. |
[in] | reindex | reindex logical flag to reindex the joined food resource (TRUE) linked to each of the habitats upon disassemble. Default is no reindexing. |
subroutine the_environment::spatial_neighbours_distances | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | neighbours, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(out), optional | dist, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), optional | index_vector, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), optional | ranks, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | rank_max, | ||
logical, intent(out), optional | error_flag | ||
) |
Calculate the distances between this spatial object and an array of its neighbours. Optionally output the distances, sorting index vector and rankings vector for each of these neighbours. Optionally do only partial indexing, up to the order rank_max
for computational speed. Procedure ARRAY_INDEX()
from HEDTOOLS is used as the computational backend for partial segmented indexing.
[in] | neighbours | an array of spatial objects that we sort by distance from this target object. |
[out] | dist | optional vector of the distance between each of the neighbours and this spatial object. |
[out] | index_vector | a vector for sort order indexing of the neighbours. see documentation for ARRAY_INDEX() in HEDTOOLS for more details on sort order indexing. |
[out] | ranks | optional vector of rank ordering scores of each of the distances. |
[in] | rank_max | sets the maximum limit on the objects to rank/index we are interested in, i.e. for partial indexing (see manual for ARRAY_INDEX ). |
[out] | error_flag | optional error flag, normally should be FALSE. |
because of I/O calls. First, calculate the distances between this object ant all of its neighbours. This is done using the parallel do concurrent
construct from F2008.
Iterative vector sorting and ranking indexes can be slow to calculate when there are many neighbours. So we need to know are they really necessary (parameters present). Also check that all vectors have the same sizes.
Partial indexing is used if rank_max
parameter is provided. This will avoid full indexing of all objects which may be much faster for big arrays.
Then calculate ranks if we need them.
If we need ranks, calculate both index vector and ranks
Use partial indexing if rank_max
parameter is provided. This will avoid full indexing of all objects which may be much faster for big arrays.
Full indexing otherwise.
elemental subroutine the_environment::predator_make_init | ( | class(predator), intent(inout) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in) | body_size, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | attack_rate, | ||
type(spatial), intent(in), optional | position, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in), optional | label | ||
) |
Initialise a predator object.
body_size | the body size of the predator. |
attack_rate | baseline attack rate of the predator. |
environment | The environment within which the predator is located initially. |
label | optional label for the predator. |
We first create an empty spatial sub-object for the predator.
Set the body size parameter, with a limitation that it must exceed zero.
Set the capture attack rate parameter, limited to be within the range [0:1].
Set the initial position if it is provided (will remain MISSING
as initialised in create
method above otherwise).
Finally, set label for the predator if provided, empty if absent.
subroutine the_environment::predator_label_set | ( | class(predator), intent(inout) | this, |
character(len=*), optional | label | ||
) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::predator_get_body_size | ( | class(predator), intent(in) | this | ) |
elemental real(srp) function the_environment::predator_get_attack_rate | ( | class(predator), intent(in) | this | ) |
real(srp) function the_environment::predator_capture_risk_calculate_fish | ( | class(predator), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | prey_spatial, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | prey_length, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | prey_distance, | ||
logical, intent(in), optional | is_freezing, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model, | ||
character(len=*), intent(in), optional | debug_plot_file | ||
) |
Calculates the risk of capture of the fish with the spatial location defined by prey_spatial
and the body length equal to prey_length
. This is a backend function bound to the predator rather than prey object.
[in] | prey_spatial | prey_spatial the spatial position of a fish/agent prey. |
[in] | prey_length | prey_length the length of the prey fish agent. |
[in] | prey_distance | prey_distance optional distance between the this predator and the prey fish agent. |
[in] | is_freezing | is_freezing Optional logical indicator that the prey fish agent is immobile. |
[in] | time_step_model | time_step_model optional time step of the model. |
[in] | debug_plot_file | debug_plot_file optional file name for the debug nonparametric function (interpolation) plot. |
predator Check optional time step parameter. If unset, use global variable commondata::global_time_step_model_current
Check the distance to the prey dummy parameter. If present, the dummy parameter for the distance is used.
However, if the dummy parameter is not provided, the distance between the this
predator and the prey spatial object is calculated using the spatial::distance() function.
Check optional debug plot file name, if absent, a random name is generated based on the predator's iid. However, the prey agent's iid cannot yet be determined as it is defined in the following module layers. Threfore, it should be provided, if necessary, via the optional file name parameter.
First, calculate the illumination (background irradiance) at the depth of the prey spatial object.
Second, calculate the fish prey area (m) that will later go into the visual range calculation backend engine.
Third, calculate the visual range for the predator for detecting the fish prey object defined by the prey_spatial
spatial object. It is assumed here that the predator is much larger than the agent prey.
At the figure above, is the visual range for the agent to detect the predator and
is the visual range for the predator to see the agent prey. This is why he calculations of the capture probability are based on the latter,
, the visibility of the prey for the predator.
Check if the prey agent is visible to the predator. Predator can only attack a prey agent that it can see. Otherwise zero predation risk is returned
Calculation is conducted differently depending on whether the agent is moving or immobile (freezing). Because the dimensionality of the interpolation grid arrays can be different in these two cases (requiring different declarations) they are isolated into two Fortran named block constructs.
Calculations of the predation risk for a freezing agent are conducted in the named block construct FREEZING
htintrpl.exe [0 0.5 0.75 1] [1 0.1 0.01 0] [0.5] [nonlinear]
Calculations of the predation risk for the normal moving agent are conducted in the named block construct NORMAL_MOVING
htintrpl.exe [0 0.5 0.75 1] [1 0.1 0.01 0] [0.5] [nonlinear]
Log the capture probability visual range calculated, along with the distance and the visual range.
subroutine the_environment::predator_capture_risk_calculate_fish_group | ( | class(predator), intent(in) | this, |
class(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | prey_spatial, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(in) | prey_length, | ||
logical, dimension(:), intent(in), optional | is_freezing, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(out), optional | risk, | ||
real(srp), dimension(:), intent(out), optional | risk_indexed, | ||
integer, dimension(:), intent(out), optional | index_dist | ||
) |
Calculates the risk of capture by a specific predator of an array of the fish agents with the spatial locations array defined by prey_spatial
and the body length array prey_length
. This subroutine takes account of both the predator dilution and confusion effects and risk adjusted by the distance towards the predator.
, prey_length
, is_freezing
rather than a sigle the_individual::individual_agent type/class. This is done because the agent class hierarchy is defined specifically in the upstream modules and is not yet accessible at this level. The procedure here has the bare minimum requirements for the prey agents: the class the_environment::spatial. [in] | prey_spatial | prey_spatial the spatial position of a fish/agent prey. |
[in] | prey_length | prey_length the length of the prey fish agent. |
[in] | is_freezing | is_freezing Optional logical indicator that the prey fish agent is immobile. |
[in] | time_step_model | time_step_model optional time step of the model. |
[out] | risk | risk is an optional array of predation risk estimates for each agent in the group. The values of the risk for all agents that are not visible to the predator get zero risk. Note that this array has the normal order of the objects as in the input arrays, i.e. as in the normal array of the agents. |
[out] | risk_indexed | risk_indexed is an optional array of predation risk estimates for each agent in the group. Risk for all agents that are not visible to the predator get zero risk. Note that this array is in the "raw" order, as the distances between the predator and the agents (not the normal order of the agents within the input group). Therefore, to translate this "raw" order it to the normal order, one requires the partial index array index_dist . The nature of the partial indexing dictates that only values with the index in the range from 1 to commondata::predator_risk_group_select_index_partial, i.e. the nearest neighbours of the predator make sense. All other index values are commondata::unknown. |
[out] | index_dist | index_dist optional partial index array that shows the partial sorting of the agents with respect to their distance to the predator. Note that The nature of the partial indexing dictates that only values with the index in the range from 1 to commondata::predator_risk_group_select_index_partial, i.e. the nearest neighbours of the predator make sense. All other index values are commondata::unknown. |
Two kinds of indexing of the output adjusted risk are possible to get: normal and "raw". The array in the normal order (risk
) is provided with the same indexing as the input arrays (e.g. the array of the prey agents. The array in the "raw" order risk_indexed
is arranged in the order of the distances between the predator and the prey agents (the first is the nearest). The latter "raw" array can be transformed to the normal ordering using the index_dist
indexing array. See partial array indexing procedure in HEDTOOLS. The table below presents an example of the two modes of ordering.
"raw" | normal | Adjusted risk |
1 | 249 | 0.571031094 |
2 | 433 | 0.445715338 |
3 | 272 | 0.202977672 |
4 | 713 | 0.113853760 |
5 | 359 | 0.086924118 |
6 | 665 | 0.000000000 |
An example of the code requesting the normal array of risks. This array is arranges in the same order as as the prey prey_spatial
An example of the code requesting "raw" indexed array of risks along with the partial index array:
The calculations potentially involve looping over a huge array of potential prey agents, even though not all of them are at a close enough distance to the predator to have any risk. Only the agents that are within the visibility range (i.e. can be visible to the predator) count here out of the huge whole-population array. Finding the agents neighbouring to the predator benefits from partial indexing. Only a small small subarray within the input array of spatial prey agent objects is indexed and analysed. The maximum size of such a subarray is defined by the partial index size: commondata::predator_risk_group_select_index_partial (so all the work subarrays benefiting from partial indexing have such number of elements).
procedure from HEDTOOLS for more details. Note that This vector comes into the the_environment::neighbours() spatial indexing procedure and must have the full size of the spatial array being indexed. So its size here is equal to the prey_spatial
array size.risk_adjusted is an array of predation risk estimates for each agent in the group. Risk for all agents that are not visible to the predator get null risk. This is the main array that is indexed exactly as the output.
.Initialise index and rank values. Uninitialised index arrays may result in invalid memory reference in ARRAY_INDEX
(it is not safe by design, see notes on the HEDTOOLS array indexing procedures.
Check if the optional is_freezing
parameter array is provided. If not, it is assumed that the prey agents are NOT freezing.
Check optional time step parameter. If unset, use global commondata::global_time_step_model_current
Check the size of the input arrays of prey agents, prey length and freezing indicztors. The sizes of all three arrays must be equal.
However, if they have different sizes, log warning, this may point to a potential bug.
First, we get, up to the maximum order (fast partial indexing) of commondata::predator_risk_group_select_index_partial
, neighbouring agents that are in proximity of this predator. Here we get partial index vector for the input array of objects: dist_index
If the index_dist
optional parameter is present in the list of parameters, it returns the indexing vector dist_index
Get a vector of agents sorted by their distances from the predator and calculate the baseline risk of predation for each of the agents using the the_environment::predator::risk_fish() method. The size of the array is limited by the maximum partial rank index commondata::predator_risk_group_select_index_partial
, so only this number of nearest agents is taken into account. The other are too far at this moment and have null risk anyway (probably).
The boolean flag array risk_agent_is_visible
indicating that this i
-th agent is within the "neighbours" group is also set to TRUE.
The baseline risk of predation is the risk not taking account of the predator dilution effect by the other agent's group members in proximity.
boolean vector value TRUE.risk_adjusted = 0.0
. This situation is also logged in the DEBUG mode.Given that at the step 2 we have defined which of the prey agents in the group are actually visible to the predator, their rank order with respect to the distance, and the total number of such visible agents, this final step calculates the array of the adjusted risk values.
This can be done in several ways:
These procedires are implemented as subroutines within this main the_environment::predator_capture_risk_calculate_fish_group()
Calculate the raw indexed array of the risk that is intended to be returned (output) along with the partial index.
Finally, in the DEBUG mode also save debug data to CSV file. Below is an example data from one simulation using the fixed predation adjustment effect adjust_risk_nonpar_fixed().
P1 | 1 | 1 | 297.934 | 148.458 | 0.597635 | 0.597635 |
P2 | 1 | 2 | 310.591 | 238.575 | 0.375258 | 0.179290 |
P3 | 0 | -9999 | 305.785 | 306.733 | 0 | 0 |
P4 | 0 | -9999 | 296.327 | 309.332 | 0 | 0 |
P5 | 1 | 3 | 338.934 | 316.221 | 0.192204 | 0.034169 |
P6 | 0 | -9999 | 283.830 | 318.537 | 0 | 0 |
P7 | 1 | 4 | 343.421 | 339.065 | 0 | 0 |
P8 | 0 | -9999 | 311.020 | 366.969 | 0 | 0 |
P9 | 0 | -9999 | 360.617 | 378.106 | 0 | 0 |
P10 | 0 | -9999 | 312.113 | 395.021 | 0 | 0 |
P11 | 0 | -9999 | 322.244 | 435.172 | 0 | 0 |
P12 | 0 | -9999 | 335.271 | 442.236 | 0 | 0 |
P13 | 0 | -9999 | 309.192 | 456.375 | 0 | 0 |
P14 | 0 | -9999 | 269.335 | 477.448 | 0 | 0 |
P15 | 0 | -9999 | 349.299 | 486.160 | 0 | 0 |
P16 | 0 | -9999 | 273.446 | 501.956 | 0 | 0 |
P17 | 0 | -9999 | 311.889 | 516.109 | 0 | 0 |
P18 | 0 | -9999 | 361.142 | 533.081 | 0 | 0 |
P19 | 0 | -9999 | 277.595 | 547.986 | 0 | 0 |
P20 | 0 | -9999 | 267.683 | 561.175 | 0 | 0 |
Finally, calculate the optional output arrays if the are requested as optional parameters: risk
and risk_indexed
Definition at line 9726 of file m_env.f90.
real(srp) function the_environment::predator_visibility_visual_range | ( | class(predator), intent(in) | this, |
real(srp), intent(in), optional | object_area, | ||
real(srp), intent(in), optional | contrast, | ||
integer, intent(in), optional | time_step_model | ||
) |
Calculate the visibility range of this predator. Wrapper to the the_environment::visual_range() function. This function calculates the distance from which this predator can be seen by a visual object (e.g. the agent).
procedures use meter for units, this auto-converts to cm. [in] | object_area | object_area optional area of the spatial object, m. if not provided (normally), calculated from the the_environment::predator::body_size attribute of this predator object. |
[in] | contrast | contrast is optional inherent visual contrast of the predator. the default contrast of all objects is defined by the commondata::preycontrast_default parameter. |
[in] | time_step_model | optional time step of the model, if absent gets the current time step as defined by the value of commondata::global_time_step_model_current . |
Checks. Check optional object area, the default value, if this parameter is absent, the area is calculated from the the_environment::predator::body_size attribute of the predator object with inline conversion to m. Note that the body side area of a fish object is calculated from the body length using the commondata::length2sidearea_fish() function.
Check optional contrast
parameter. If unset, use global commondata::preycontrast_default
Check optional time step parameter. If unset, use global commondata::global_time_step_model_current
Calculate ambient illumination / irradiance at the depth of this predator object at the given time step using the the_environment::spatial::illumination() method.
Return visual range for (to detect) this predator using the_environment::visual_range() wrapper function.
real(srp) function the_environment::distance_average | ( | class(spatial), dimension(:), intent(in) | spatial_objects, |
integer, intent(in), optional | sample_size | ||
) |
Calculates the average nearest neighbour distance amongst an array of spatial objects (class) by sampling sample_size
of them. The sample size sample_size
is optional, if not provided set to SAMPLE_SIZE_DEFAULT=25
spatial_objects | An array of spatial class objects for which we calculate the average nearest neighbour distance. |
sample_size | Optional sample size for the calculation. |
MAX_ARRAY_DIMENSIONALITY: the maximum dimensionality of the input array of spatial objects for doing full non-sampling based calculations.
Maximum size of the input array of spatial objects for full element by element selection without random sampling. This maximum dimensionality can be obtained by solving this square equation:
where is the maximum number of permutations. So, the maximum dimensionality of the input array of objects is
The value obtained is then rounded to the nearest whole integer using nint
equals 6.Check the array size. Big and small arrays are treated differently.
If the array size is zero or one, there is no sense calculating average nearest neighbour distance, just return zero and log warning.
If the array size is small enough, do full element by element selection and permutation. We do not then really use the sample_size
(or N
) parameter.
Do full N x N permutations in such a case.
. Nearest neighbour distance are not transitive.In all other cases do random sampling from the input array of spatial objects and calculate sample-based average nearestneighbour distance.
Set the maximum sample size not exceeding 1/2 of all possible permutations in case the input object array is relatively large. The default value 1/2 of all possible permutations may be quite big with a huge array, but the logic behind the decision is that the requested sample size was also big.
to the default integer
using the intrinsic function int
to make it acceptable for the TOSTR
function from HEDTOOLS. Hopefully the final max_permutations
would not be too huge.If the requested sample size is very small, just do a warning. The logic behind NOT changing N to, e.g. SAMPLE_SIZE_DEFAULT
is that if a small N was requested, this must have serious grounds, e.g. if the agent is basing its decision making process on an incomplete information. So the small value is left as small as requested.
Initialise the output mean distance with zero.
Do permutations, using PERMUTE
named do-block:
to the defaultinteger
using the intrinsic function int
to make it acceptable for the RAND_I
function from HEDTOOLS. Hopefully the final array_size
would not be too huge.SPATIAL
objects for high speed, e.g. using the index slice: [ [(j, j=1,i-1)], [(j,j=i+1,array_size)] ]
as we use the type-bound function location
and position
to copy arays. So using the explicit old-fashioned do-loop here.spatial_object_nearest_neighbour
and update the overall sum.Finally, calculate the mean distance over all these permutations.
Definition at line 10541 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::geo_poly2d_dist_point_to_section | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | point, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | sectp1, | ||
class(spatial), intent(in) | sectp2, | ||
real(srp), intent(out) | min_dist, | ||
type(spatial), intent(out), optional | point_segment | ||
) |
Calculates the minimum distance from a the_environment::spatial class object to a line segment delimited by two the_environment::spatial class endpoints in the 2D XY plane (the depth coordinate is ignored). (The algorithm is partially based on this.)
[in] | point | point is the reference point to which the distance is calculated |
[in] | sectp1 | sectp1 is the first end of the line segment. |
[in] | sectp2 | sectp2 is the second end point of the line segment. |
[out] | min_dist | min_dist is the output minimum distance between the reference point and the line segment delimited by sectp1 and sectp2 . |
[out] | point_segment | point_segment is the optional output coordinates of the nearest point PN on the P1 P2 segment returned in the form of the_environment::spatial type object. But note that the third depth coordinate of this object is copied from the input point object. |
A scheme of the calculation is presented on this figure:
First, calculate the squared distance between the end points of the line segment P1 and P2 using the backend function the_environment::dist2_vector() that accepts vectors of arbitrary dimensionality:
Second, determine the reference value (a normalised distance from P1 to the closest point) that is calculated as follows:
where is the distance between the end points P1 and P2, and the numerator is the dot product of the vectors
Definition at line 10769 of file m_env.f90.
subroutine the_environment::geo_poly3d_dist_point_to_section | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | point, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | sectp1, | ||
class(spatial), intent(in) | sectp2, | ||
real(srp), intent(out) | min_dist, | ||
type(spatial), intent(out), optional | point_segment | ||
) |
Calculates the minimum distance from a the_environment::spatial class object to a line segment delimited by two the_environment::spatial class endpoints in the 3D XY space. (The algorithm is partially based on this.)
[in] | point | point is the reference point to which the distance is calculated |
[in] | sectp1 | sectp1 is the first end of the line segment. |
[in] | sectp2 | sectp2 is the second end point of the line segment. |
[out] | min_dist | min_dist is the output minimum distance between the reference point and the line segment delimited by sectp1 and sectp2 . |
[out] | point_segment | point_segment is the optional output coordinates of the nearest point PN on the P1 P2 segment returned in the form of the_environment::spatial type object. |
A scheme of the calculation is presented on this figure:
First, calculate the squared distance between the end points of the line segment P1 and P2 using the backend function the_environment::dist2_vector() that accepts vectors of arbitrary dimensionality:
Second, determine the reference value (a normalised distance from P1 to the closest point) that is calculated as follows:
where is the distance between the end points P1 and P2, and the numerator is the dot product of the vectors
It is then trivial to calculate the distance between the spatial object P0 and this projection point.
Definition at line 10872 of file m_env.f90.
type(spatial) function the_environment::offset_dist | ( | class(spatial), intent(in) | obj_a, |
class(spatial), intent(in) | obj_b, | ||
real(srp), intent(in) | offset | ||
) |
Calculate a the_environment::spatial target with an offset.
This function calculate the coordinates of a point C in between two objects, a reference object A and a target object B, but at a smaller distance with specific offset from the target B.
[in] | obj_a | obj_a reference spatial object (A) |
[in] | obj_b | target spatial object(B) |
[in] | obj_b | obj_a reference spatial object (A) |
[in] | obj_b | target spatial object(B) |
[in] | offset | offset distance offset for the target object |
value the returned error spatial object has commondata::missing coordinates. There is no error code variable with intent(out) to keep the function pure. The coordinate of the new target C are defined as:
where are the x coordinates of the points A and B and
is the distance between A and B. The y and depth coordinates of the point C are defined in the same way.
private |
private |
integer, parameter the_environment::dim_environ_corners = 4 |
type(habitat), dimension(:), allocatable, public the_environment::global_habitats_available |
A list (array) of all the the_environment::habitat objects available to the agents. This single array should encompass all the locations that the agent can potentially be in (e.g. migrate from one to another).
It is then very important that the separate habitat objects that are defined in the model are actually different data entities than the global array. If any change is made to the habitat objects after the global array was assembled, these must be synchronised with the array and vice versa.
To determine where the agent (or any other spatial object) is currently located within use the the_environment::spatial::find_environment() method. The simplest form of assembling the global array is
A more powerful alternative is using the the_environment::assemble() procedure:
See the_environment::assemble() and the_environment::disassemble() procedures for more information on creating the global array of habitat objects and disassembling individual habitat objects back (updating the internal data components and arrays for each of the individual habitats.
Here is an example of the steps necessary to use joined food resource from several assembled habitats:
... environment_limits = Global_Habitats_Available( & this_agent%find_environment( & Global_Habitats_Available) ) ...