The AHA Model  Revision: 17463
Reference implementation 04 (HEDG02_04)
the_environment::operator(-) Interface Reference

Interface operator "-" for the the_environment::environment spatial container objects. Return an environment object that is shrunk by a fixed value in the 2D XxY plane. See the_environment::environment_shrink_xy_fixed(). The operator can be used as follows: More...

Collaboration diagram for the_environment::operator(-):

Detailed Description

Interface operator "-" for the the_environment::environment spatial container objects. Return an environment object that is shrunk by a fixed value in the 2D XxY plane. See the_environment::environment_shrink_xy_fixed(). The operator can be used as follows:

temp_hab = habitat_safe - 0.5_srp

Definition at line 914 of file m_env.f90.

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