The AHA Model  Revision: 17463
Reference implementation 04 (HEDG02_04)
the_neurobio::memory_perceptual Type Reference

Individual perception memory(history) stack, a memory component that saves perception values at previous time steps of the model. Not whole perception objects are saved for simplicity, only the most important parameters, integer and real types so commondata::add_to_history() can be used in unmodified form. Decision making can make use of this memory stack. More...

Collaboration diagram for the_neurobio::memory_perceptual:

Public Member Functions

procedure, public add_to_memory => percept_memory_add_to_stack
 Add perception components into the memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_add_to_stack(). More...
procedure, public memory_cleanup => percept_memory_cleanup_stack
 Cleanup and destroy the perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_cleanup_stack(). More...
procedure, public get_food_total => percept_memory_food_get_total
 Get the total number of food items within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_get_total(). More...
procedure, public get_food_mean_n => percept_memory_food_get_mean_n
 Get the average number of food items per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_get_mean_n(). More...
procedure, public get_food_mean_n_split => percept_memory_food_mean_n_split
 Get the average number of food items per single time step within the perceptual memory stack, split to the first (older) and second (newer) parts. The whole memory stack ('sample') is split by the split_val parameter and two means are calculated: before the split_val and after it. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_mean_n_split(). More...
procedure, public get_food_mean_size =>percept_memory_food_get_mean_size
 Get the average size of food item per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_get_mean_size(). More...
procedure, public get_food_mean_size_split => percept_memory_food_mean_size_split
 Get the average size of food items per single time step within the perceptual memory stack, split to the first (older) and second(newer) parts. The whole memory stack 'sample' is split by the split_val parameter and two means are calculated: before the split_val and after it. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_mean_size_split(). More...
procedure, public get_food_mean_dist => percept_memory_food_get_mean_dist
 Get the average distance to food item per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_get_mean_dist(). More...
procedure, public get_food_mean_dist_split => percept_memory_food_mean_dist_split
 Get the average distance to food items per single time step within the perceptual memory stack, split to the first (older) and second(newer) parts. The whole memory stack 'sample' is split by the split_val parameter and two means are calculated: before the split_val and after it. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_mean_dist_split(). More...
procedure, public get_consp_mean_n => percept_memory_consp_get_mean_n
 Get the average number of conspecifics per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_consp_get_mean_n(). More...
procedure, public get_pred_total => percept_memory_predators_get_total
 Get the total number of predators within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_predators_get_total(). More...
procedure, public get_pred_mean => percept_memory_predators_get_mean
 Get the average number of predators per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_predators_get_mean(). More...
procedure, public get_pred_mean_split => percept_memory_predators_mean_split
 Get the average number of predators per single time step within the perceptual memory stack, split to the first (older) and second(newer) parts. The whole memory stack ('sample') is split by the split_val parameter and two means are calculated: before the split_val and after it. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_predators_mean_split(). More...

Public Attributes

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) memory_light
 Memory for light. More...
real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) memory_depth
 Memory for depth. More...
integer, dimension(history_size_perception) memory_food
 Memory for number of food items seen (in perception). More...
real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) memory_foodsiz
 Memory for mean size of food items seen (in perception). More...
real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) memory_foodist
 Memory for mean distance to the food items seen (in perception). More...
integer, dimension(history_size_perception) memory_consp
 Memory for number of conspecifics seen. More...
integer, dimension(history_size_perception) memory_pred
 Memory for number of predators. More...
real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) memory_stom
 Memory for stomach contents. More...
real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) memory_bdmass
 Memory for body mass. More...
real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) memory_energ
 Memory for energy reserves. More...
real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) memory_reprfac
 Memory for reproductive factor values. More...

Detailed Description

Individual perception memory(history) stack, a memory component that saves perception values at previous time steps of the model. Not whole perception objects are saved for simplicity, only the most important parameters, integer and real types so commondata::add_to_history() can be used in unmodified form. Decision making can make use of this memory stack.

Note that age perception the_neurobio::percept_age is not saved in memory stack as it is trivial to get/predict.

Definition at line 447 of file m_neuro.f90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ add_to_memory()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::add_to_memory

Add perception components into the memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_add_to_stack().

Definition at line 473 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_cleanup()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_cleanup

Cleanup and destroy the perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_cleanup_stack().

Definition at line 476 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_food_total()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_food_total

Get the total number of food items within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_get_total().

Definition at line 479 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_food_mean_n()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_food_mean_n

Get the average number of food items per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_get_mean_n().

Definition at line 483 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_food_mean_n_split()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_food_mean_n_split

Get the average number of food items per single time step within the perceptual memory stack, split to the first (older) and second (newer) parts. The whole memory stack ('sample') is split by the split_val parameter and two means are calculated: before the split_val and after it. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_mean_n_split().

Definition at line 490 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_food_mean_size()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_food_mean_size

Get the average size of food item per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_get_mean_size().

Definition at line 495 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_food_mean_size_split()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_food_mean_size_split

Get the average size of food items per single time step within the perceptual memory stack, split to the first (older) and second(newer) parts. The whole memory stack 'sample' is split by the split_val parameter and two means are calculated: before the split_val and after it. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_mean_size_split().

Definition at line 501 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_food_mean_dist()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_food_mean_dist

Get the average distance to food item per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_get_mean_dist().

Definition at line 506 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_food_mean_dist_split()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_food_mean_dist_split

Get the average distance to food items per single time step within the perceptual memory stack, split to the first (older) and second(newer) parts. The whole memory stack 'sample' is split by the split_val parameter and two means are calculated: before the split_val and after it. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_food_mean_dist_split().

Definition at line 513 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_consp_mean_n()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_consp_mean_n

Get the average number of conspecifics per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_consp_get_mean_n().

Definition at line 518 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_pred_total()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_pred_total

Get the total number of predators within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_predators_get_total().

Definition at line 521 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_pred_mean()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_pred_mean

Get the average number of predators per single time step within the whole perceptual memory stack. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_predators_get_mean().

Definition at line 525 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ get_pred_mean_split()

procedure, public the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::get_pred_mean_split

Get the average number of predators per single time step within the perceptual memory stack, split to the first (older) and second(newer) parts. The whole memory stack ('sample') is split by the split_val parameter and two means are calculated: before the split_val and after it. See the_neurobio::percept_memory_predators_mean_split().

Definition at line 531 of file m_neuro.f90.

Member Data Documentation

◆ memory_light

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_light

Memory for light.

Definition at line 449 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_depth

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_depth

Memory for depth.

Definition at line 451 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_food

integer, dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_food

Memory for number of food items seen (in perception).

Definition at line 453 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_foodsiz

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_foodsiz

Memory for mean size of food items seen (in perception).

Definition at line 455 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_foodist

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_foodist

Memory for mean distance to the food items seen (in perception).

Definition at line 457 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_consp

integer, dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_consp

Memory for number of conspecifics seen.

Definition at line 459 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_pred

integer, dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_pred

Memory for number of predators.

Definition at line 461 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_stom

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_stom

Memory for stomach contents.

Definition at line 463 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_bdmass

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_bdmass

Memory for body mass.

Definition at line 465 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_energ

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_energ

Memory for energy reserves.

Definition at line 467 of file m_neuro.f90.

◆ memory_reprfac

real(srp), dimension(history_size_perception) the_neurobio::memory_perceptual::memory_reprfac

Memory for reproductive factor values.

Definition at line 469 of file m_neuro.f90.

The documentation for this type was generated from the following file: