Intel® Fortran Compiler 17.0 Developer Guide and Reference
Statements: The STOP statement terminates program execution before the end of the program unit. The ERROR STOP statement initiates error termination of execution.
STOP [stop-code]
ERROR STOP [stop-code]
stop-code |
(Optional) A message. It can be any of the following:
If stop-code is specified, the STOP or ERROR STOP statement does the following:
Writes the specified message to the standard error device.
Writes one or more of the following messages to the standard error device indicating which IEEE floating-point exceptions are signaling:
IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO is signaling IEEE_INVALID is signaling IEEE_OVERFLOW is signaling IEEE_UNDERFLOW is signaling
Terminates program execution. If stop-code is a character constant, a status of zero is returned. If stop-code is an integer, a status equal to stop-code is returned.
If stop-code is not specified, the program is terminated, no message is printed, and a status of zero is returned.
When a program is running on multiple images, a STOP statement on one image does not affect the other images. An ERROR STOP initiates execution termination on all images, which may include flushing of I/O buffers, closing of I/O files, and reporting error status on one or more images.
Effect on Windows* Systems
In QuickWin programs, the following is displayed in a message box:
Program terminated with Exit Code stop-code
If the application has no console window, the stop-code is displayed in a message box.
Effect on Linux* and OS X* Systems
Operating system shells (such as bash, sh, csh, dash, etc.) work with one byte exit status. So, when stop-code is an integer, only the lowest byte is significant. For example, consider the following statement:
STOP 99999
In this case, the program returns a status equal to 159 because integer 99999 = Z'1869F', and the lowest byte is equal to Z'9F', which equals 159.
The following examples show valid STOP statements:
READ *, X, Y
IF (X > Y) STOP 5555
The following shows another example:
OPEN(1,FILE='file1.dat', status='OLD', ERR=100)
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