Intel® Fortran Compiler 17.0 Developer Guide and Reference


OpenMP* Fortran Compiler Directive: Maps variables to a device data environment for the extent of the region. This directive only applies to Intel® MIC Architecture.

!$OMP TARGET DATA [clause[[,] clause]... ]




Is one or more of the following:


Is a structured block (section) of statements or constructs. No branching into or out of the block of code is allowed.

The binding task region for a TARGET DATA construct is the encountering task. The target region binds to the enclosing parallel or task region.

When a TARGET DATA construct is encountered, a new device data environment is created, and the encountering task executes the target data region.

A program must not depend on any ordering of the evaluations of the clauses of the TARGET DATA directive, or on any side effects of the evaluations of the clauses.

See Also