Intel® Fortran Compiler 17.0 Developer Guide and Reference

Using Standard Fortran Interoperability Syntax for Existing Fortran Extensions

Before the introduction of the Standard Fortran interoperability features, extensions provided by Intel® Fortran were used to facilitate programming using code written in Fortran and C. The Fortran 2003 standard defined new language features for C interoperability; in many cases, these features can be used instead of existing Intel® Fortran extensions. The following table lists the legacy Intel® Fortran extensions and shows their Standard Fortran equivalents.


Existing code using legacy extensions will continue to work; however, if you are writing new code, you should use the standard syntax.

Legacy Extension

Standard Fortran Interoperability Equivalent


Use BIND(C,NAME="alias-name").

The BIND(C) syntax also implies ATTRIBUTES DECORATE; the compiler applies whatever name decoration (leading or trailing underscores) that C would use for the name. If the NAME= keyword is omitted, Intel® Fortran will use the Fortran name converted to lowercase on all platforms.

If the procedure has no arguments, you must indicate that with () when adding BIND.

All arguments to a routine specified as "interoperable" (with BIND(C)) must themselves be interoperable.

You can also specify BIND(C) on module variables and COMMON blocks.


Use BIND(C) (see ALIAS above), which has a similar effect to ATTRIBUTES C except that it does not change the argument passing mechanism to be by-value. Use the Fortran standard VALUE attribute if you need to pass by value.

BIND(C) also specifies that small records are passed and returned as function value results the same way C would, which may be different from the Intel® Fortran default. Like ATTRIBUTES C, BIND(C) lowercases the external name and adds any necessary name decoration.


Typically used with ATTRIBUTES ALIAS. See ATTRIBUTES ALIAS above.


Not needed when using BIND(C); the compiler always uses the semantics of the C compiler regardless of the setting of command-line options such as iface.


Use BIND(C) with a module variable.


Not needed when using BIND(C).

Typically used with character arguments, or to override the implicit pass-by-value of ATTRIBUTES C.


No equivalent.

The use of STDCALL with BIND(C) is supported in Intel® Fortran and, for Windows* on IA-32 architecture only, it changes the external procedure name and stack conventions. For more information, see ATTRIBUTES C and STDCALL.


Use the Fortran-standard VALUE attribute.

This has an additional effect when used with a Fortran procedure; the dummy argument is received by value and then copied to a temporary variable that can be modified within the procedure. Once the procedure exits, the temporary value is discarded.


No equivalent.

%LOC function

Use the C_LOC function from intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING, which may be an appropriate substitute for variables. C_FUNLOC is the corresponding function for procedures.

%VAL function

Declare the argument with the VALUE attribute.

%REF function

No equivalent; this is the default when BIND(C) is used.