Intel® Fortran Compiler 17.0 Developer Guide and Reference
POSIX Subroutine: Gets supplementary group IDs.
CALL PXFGETGROUPS (igidsetsize,igrouplist,ngroups,ierror)
igidsetsize |
(Input) INTEGER(4). The number of elements in the igrouplist array. |
igrouplist |
(Output) INTEGER(4). The array that has the returned supplementary group IDs. |
ngroups |
(Output) INTEGER(4). The total number of supplementary group IDs for the process. |
ierror |
(Output) INTEGER(4). The error status. |
If successful, ierror is set to zero; otherwise, an error code.
The PXFGETGROUPS subroutine returns, up to size igidsetsize, the supplementary group IDs in array igrouplist. It is unspecified whether the effective group ID of the calling process is included in the returned list. If the size is zero, the list is not modified, but the total number of supplementary group IDs for the process is returned.
program test5
use ifposix
implicit none
integer(4) number_of_groups, ierror, isize,i, igid
integer(4),allocatable,dimension(:):: igrouplist
integer(JHANDLE_SIZE) jgroup
! Get total number of groups in system
! call PXFGETGROUPS with 0
call PXFGETGROUPS(0, igrouplist, number_of_groups, ierror)
if(ierror.NE.0) STOP 'Error: first call of PXFGETGROUPS fails'
print *," The number of groups in system ", number_of_groups
! Get Group IDs
isize = number_of_groups
ALLOCATE( igrouplist(isize))
call PXFGETGROUPS(isize, igrouplist, number_of_groups, ierror)
if(ierror.NE.0) then
STOP 'Error: first call of PXFGETGROUPS fails'
end if
print *," Create an instance for structure 'group' "
call PXFSTRUCTCREATE("group",jgroup, ierror)
if(ierror.NE.0) then
STOP 'Error: PXFSTRUCTCREATE failed to create an instance of group'
end if
do i=1, number_of_groups
call PXFGETGRGID( igrouplist(i), jgroup, ierror)
if(ierror.NE.0) then
call PXFSTRUCTFREE(jgroup, ierror)
print *,'Error: PXFGETGRGID failed for i=',i," gid=", igrouplist(i)
STOP 'Abnormal termination'
end if
call PRINT_GROUP_INFO(jgroup)
end do
call PXFGETGID(igid,ierror)
if(ierror.NE.0) then
call PXFSTRUCTFREE(jgroup, ierror)
print *,'Error: PXFGETGID failed'
STOP 'Abnormal termination'
end if
call PXFGETGRGID( igid, jgroup, ierror)
if(ierror.NE.0) then
call PXFSTRUCTFREE(jgroup, ierror)
print *,"Error: PXFGETGRGID failed for gid=", igid
STOP 'Abnormal termination'
end if
call PRINT_GROUP_INFO(jgroup)
call PXFSTRUCTFREE(jgroup, ierror)
print *," Program will normal terminated"
call PXFEXIT(0)