Intel® Fortran Compiler 17.0 Developer Guide and Reference

Converting Projects

In general, you can open projects created by older versions of Intel® Visual Fortran and use them directly. If the projects were created in older versions of Microsoft* Visual Studio*, Visual Studio first converts the Solution file and any non-Fortran projects it contains. Projects created in newer versions of Intel® Visual Fortran might not be usable in older versions.

Projects created in Compaq* Visual Fortran 6.0 or later can usually be converted to Intel® Visual Fortran as follows:

  1. Open the Visual Studio* 6 Workspace file (.dsw) in a newer version of Microsoft Visual Studio. Visual Studio converts the project to the newer Visual Studio format.

  2. Right click on the solution and select Extract Compaq Visual Fortran Project Items. This option is available only if your installation of Microsoft Visual Studio includes Microsoft Visual C++.

Some general conversion principles apply:

See Also