Intel® Fortran Compiler 17.0 Developer Guide and Reference
Portability Function: Lets you specify a routine to handle errors detected by the Run-Time Library (RTL). It lets you take appropriate steps in addition to the RTL's error-handling behavior, or it lets you replace that behavior.
result = ESTABLISHQQ (handler_routine,context,prev_handler,prev_context)
handler_routine |
(Input) Is of type "procedure(establishqq_handler)", which is defined in module IFESTABLISH. This is the routine that will handle errors detected by the RTL. |
context |
(Input) INTEGER(INT_PTR_KIND()). This is the way you pass information to the handler routine for use when it is called. It can be data or a pointer to a block of data. |
prev_handler |
(Optional; output) Is of type "procedure(establishqq_handler), pointer, intent(out), optional", which is defined in module IFESTABLISH. This is the previous handler routine, if any. |
prev_context |
(Optional; output) INTEGER(INT_PTR_KIND()). This is the context specified for the previous handler routine, if any; otherwise, zero. |
The result type for ESTABLISHQQ is LOGICAL(4). It indicates whether the handler was successfully established. .TRUE. means it was established successfully; .FALSE. means it was not.
The handler routine is called when an error occurs. The result for the handler is set by your code in the handler. .TRUE. means that the error has been handled and the application should not issue an error message. .FALSE. means that the application should issue an error message and continue as if there had never been a handler.
After you specify ESTABLISHQQ and an error occurs, the following input arguments are set up by the RTL when it calls the handler routine:
error_code | This is the error code number from IOSTAT. |
continuable | This specifies whether a condition is continuable. The value is .TRUE. if the application can continue from the error. In this case, the handler can return .TRUE. or .FALSE. to determine what should happen. If you want to terminate the application, the handler should specify the STOP statement. |
message_string | This is the error message as contructed by the RTL. For example: "forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #1 of the array ..." |
context | This is the context you specified for ESTABLISHQQ. |
If you want to handle errors using a C/C++ handler, use the ISO_C_BINDINGS module features to call the C/C++ routine.
! Compile with "-fpe0 -check bounds".
program example
use ifestablish
implicit none
procedure(establishqq_handler), pointer :: old_handler_1
procedure(establishqq_handler), pointer :: old_handler_2
procedure(establishqq_handler), pointer :: old_handler_3
procedure(establishqq_handler) :: my_handler_1
procedure(establishqq_handler) :: my_handler_2
procedure(establishqq_handler) :: my_handler_3
logical :: ret
integer(INT_PTR_KIND()) :: old_context, my_context = 0
real, volatile :: x,y,z
integer, volatile :: i, eleven, a(10)
my_context = 1
eleven = 11
! Test that handlers can be established and restored.
old_handler_1 => null()
print *, "== Establish first handler"
ret = ESTABLISHQQ(my_handler_1, my_context, old_handler_1, old_context)
if (associated(old_handler_1)) then
print *, "** Unexpected old handler on first ESTABLISH **"
ret = old_handler_1(100, .true., "call number one", 1 )
print *, "back from call of old handler with", ret
print *,"== Got expected NULL old handler"
end if
print *,"== Violate array bounds; expect first handler"
i = a(eleven)
! Establish second handler
old_handler_2 => null()
print *, "== Establish second handler"
ret = ESTABLISHQQ(my_handler_2, my_context, old_handler_2, old_context)
if (associated(old_handler_2)) then
print *, "== Expect first handler as old handler"
ret = old_handler_2(100, .true., "call number one", 1 )
print *,"** Unexpectedly didn't get first handler as old handler **"
end if
print *,"== Violate array bounds; expect second handler"
i = a(eleven)
! Establish third handler
old_handler_3 => null()
print *, "== Establish third handler"
ret = ESTABLISHQQ(my_handler_3, my_context, old_handler_3, old_context)
!print *, "Got return value ", ret, "old context", old_context
if (associated(old_handler_3)) then
print *, "== Expect second handler as old handler"
ret = old_handler_3(100, .true., "call number one", 1 )
!print *, "back from call of old handler with", ret
print *,"** Unexpectedly didn't get second handler as old handler **"
end if
print *,"== Violate array bounds; expect third handler"
i = a(eleven)
! Put back old handlers in stack-wise order, testing.
ret = ESTABLISHQQ(old_handler_3, old_context)
print *,"== Violate array bounds; expect second handler"
i = a(eleven)
ret = ESTABLISHQQ(old_handler_2, old_context)
print *,"== Violate array bounds; expect first handler"
i = a(eleven)
ret = ESTABLISHQQ(old_handler_1, old_context)
print *,"== Violate array bounds; expect no handler and exit"
i = a(eleven)
function my_handler_1 (error_code, continuable, message_string, context)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
logical :: my_handler_1
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: error_code ! RTL error code from IOSTAT table
logical, intent(in) :: continuable ! True if condition is continuable
character(*), intent(in) :: message_string ! Formatted message string a la ERRMSG/IOMSG
integer(INT_PTR_KIND()), intent(in) :: context ! Address-sized integer passed in to call
! ESTABLISHQQ, for whatever purpose
! the programmer desires
my_handler_1 = .TRUE. ! Continue by default
if (context == 1) then
print *, " Handler 1, continue"
else if (context == 2) then
print *, " Handler 1, continue"
else if (context == 3) then
print *, " Handler 1, code should be 73: ", error_code
if (continuable) then
print *," - is continuable (** an error! **)"
print *," - not continuable"
end if
! We will return .TRUE., asking to continue, but because this is not
! a continuable error, the application will exit.
print *, " ** Error -- wrong context value"
end if
end function my_handler_1
function my_handler_2 (error_code, continuable, message_string, context)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
logical :: my_handler_2
! Arguments
integer, intent(in) :: error_code ! RTL error code from IOSTAT table
logical, intent(in) :: continuable ! True if condition is continuable
character(*), intent(in) :: message_string ! Formatted message string a la ERRMSG/IOMSG
integer(INT_PTR_KIND()), intent(in) :: context ! Address-sized integer passed in to call
! ESTABLISHQQ, for whatever purpose
! the programmer desires
if (context == 1) then
print *," Handler 2, continue"
my_handler_2 = .TRUE. ! Continue
else if (context == 2) then
print *, " Handler 2, exit"
my_handler_2 = .FALSE. ! Exit
end if
end function my_handler_2
function my_handler_3 (error_code, continuable, message_string, context)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
! Arguments
logical :: my_handler_3
integer, intent(in) :: error_code ! RTL error code from IOSTAT table
logical, intent(in) :: continuable ! True if condition is continuable
character(*), intent(in) :: message_string ! Formatted message string a la ERRMSG/IOMSG
integer(INT_PTR_KIND()), intent(in) :: context ! Address-sized integer passed in to call
! ESTABLISHQQ, for whatever purpose
! the programmer desires
if (context == 1) then
print *," Handler 3, continue"
else if (context == 2) then
print *, " Handler 3, error is ", error_code, message_string
end if
my_handler_3 = .TRUE. ! Continue
end function my_handler_3